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Air travel killing off sunshine

Metro | 13.12.2003 19:34 | Ecology | World

This is not a post from the 'chemtrails' person. It's a report from the Metro explaining the pollution caused by vapour trails from increasing numbers of aeroplanes - now you know why you see the sky crisscrossed with trails, followed by a clouding over (and of course warming).

AIR TRAVEL 'KILLING OF OUR SUNSHINE' report from the Metro 1.12. 03

If then endless grey days of winter make you want to jump on a plane to sunnier climes - think again.
Our lack of sunshine is partly caused by vapour trails from jet aircraft creating a haze over the sky, experts said yesterday.
And the more we fly, the worse the dull weather will become.
Prof. David Lee of Manchester Metropolitan University, said: 'More aircraft will mean weaker sunshine and warmer temperatures'.
by 2050, almost ten per cent of Britain and Wester Europe will be covered with haze, he claimed.
Parts of London and Western Scotland, over which many jets pass, are already often blanketed.
the trails form when vapour from jet engines hits the cold air of the stratosphere and condenses.
They disperse after several hours but clouds then form around other chemicals and soot from aircraft. The clouds add to climate change because they trap heat close to the ground, which would otherwise radiate out to space. The findings are worrying for the aviation industry, which is battling to increase capacity. British passenger numbers are expected to increase from 180 million to 500 million a year by 2030.

Next to it, a report about Jamie Oliver TV chef renewing opposition to Stansted new runway, who spoke following reports the Gov is to publish a White paper arguing for it.



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Better to stick to the chemtrails line

14.12.2003 00:07

You notice the phenomenon
It's really not necessary to disparage the alternate ideas by accepting the given excuses
Mineral and biological compounds have been found in the residues of particularly thick overlays
Numbers of people are suffering the effect
What's wrong with the picture?
