Demonstration against Zionist Marks and Sparks (11/12/03)
Andrew Alexander | 12.12.2003 10:35 | Anti-racism | London
Last nights demo was a really good turn out outside Marks and Spencer's flagship store (Oxford St, Marble Arch end), so a big thanks to all those who came along and made it such a good event. It was particularly good to see quite a few new faces as well (and a few old faces from the distant past pickets too). Things started off they always do- but as people began to come along from work the evening started to gather and get going.
There were problems the week before with the police but they were more easygoing tonight, which made for a better atmosphere all round. Chants began early, the usual to warm people up - 'Victory to - Intifada!' 'Free Free - Palestine!' and alike. What was most effective last night was that a lot of the picketers were getting the public to join straight in with the demo, often they will stay for a chat and sign a petition but this time quite a few joined in and stayed around, which needless to say - was all very good.
M&S and their dastardly ways invited The Sally Army band along (like last week) to dampen the noise of the protests and deflect public attention. So this time we thought it would be nice to bring a few hymns of our own to sing along to. We had Little Town of Bethlehem, Come All Ye Faithful, Away in a Manager and Good King Wenceles. Now, needless to say, the wording was changed a little, for example a typical verse from Oh, Come All Ye Faithful would be 'Come and resist them, help the Palestinians. Come ye, oh come ye, to tear down the wall.' They all went on in such vain, maybe the singing wasn't the most tuneful at times but it became synchronised and good fun. The Sally Army guys were more than happy to take our requests too! Thanks M&S!
So while we were singing carols of peace and hope (and resistance!) words of hate and racism wafted up the street from the Zionists at the counter-demo. Tonight they had less people than last week (though still a significant amount), and less than us - faced up by Palestinian supporters who weren't willing to stand back, sit at home, while such racists stood on the street dishing out their lies. It's important we realise though that to those of us who know what's going on in Palestine the Zionists seem fanatic, but to the average person on the street they can come across as quite reasonable. They are well funded and have glossy leaflets and CD's which they give out free and are supplied with loads of stuff and 'facts' from the Israeli Embassy. At face value their propaganda can be really damaging so it's imperative that we educate ourselves about the history, what really happened at Oslo, the Road Map to Peace and the constant violations of international law by Israel etc.
To help achieve this end, summarys were read out over the open megaphone about events occuring in the last two weeks - Palestinians which had been killed, furthering demolitions and war crimes by the Israeli state. An independent film company that came down a couple of weeks before to a rather downbeat picket also returned and got good footage (one hopes!) this time of us all singing along. We folowed up with a poignant minutes silence with V signs (the victory one) to M&S to mark respect for the 3000 Palestinians who have lost their lives in the current intifada.
So all in all last night was very optimistic and I think everyone left on a high note. I had conversations with quite a few different people, activists from ISM and PSC and also those more new to campaigning and they all agreed that one of the best things about the demo was that it was consistent - that after 3 years it was still going weekly and provided a focused backbone for Palestinian support here in Britain. There's been a lot said about these pickets, some good, some bad. Some truth, some lies. Well, all I can say is if you haven't been before come down and check them out for yourself if you want to know what they're like and why a load of people from different backgrounds are there.
Action continues this Saturday 12 till 2pm outside above mentioned store and of course next Thursday 6 till 8pm, same place.
Victory to the Intifada!
There were problems the week before with the police but they were more easygoing tonight, which made for a better atmosphere all round. Chants began early, the usual to warm people up - 'Victory to - Intifada!' 'Free Free - Palestine!' and alike. What was most effective last night was that a lot of the picketers were getting the public to join straight in with the demo, often they will stay for a chat and sign a petition but this time quite a few joined in and stayed around, which needless to say - was all very good.
M&S and their dastardly ways invited The Sally Army band along (like last week) to dampen the noise of the protests and deflect public attention. So this time we thought it would be nice to bring a few hymns of our own to sing along to. We had Little Town of Bethlehem, Come All Ye Faithful, Away in a Manager and Good King Wenceles. Now, needless to say, the wording was changed a little, for example a typical verse from Oh, Come All Ye Faithful would be 'Come and resist them, help the Palestinians. Come ye, oh come ye, to tear down the wall.' They all went on in such vain, maybe the singing wasn't the most tuneful at times but it became synchronised and good fun. The Sally Army guys were more than happy to take our requests too! Thanks M&S!
So while we were singing carols of peace and hope (and resistance!) words of hate and racism wafted up the street from the Zionists at the counter-demo. Tonight they had less people than last week (though still a significant amount), and less than us - faced up by Palestinian supporters who weren't willing to stand back, sit at home, while such racists stood on the street dishing out their lies. It's important we realise though that to those of us who know what's going on in Palestine the Zionists seem fanatic, but to the average person on the street they can come across as quite reasonable. They are well funded and have glossy leaflets and CD's which they give out free and are supplied with loads of stuff and 'facts' from the Israeli Embassy. At face value their propaganda can be really damaging so it's imperative that we educate ourselves about the history, what really happened at Oslo, the Road Map to Peace and the constant violations of international law by Israel etc.
To help achieve this end, summarys were read out over the open megaphone about events occuring in the last two weeks - Palestinians which had been killed, furthering demolitions and war crimes by the Israeli state. An independent film company that came down a couple of weeks before to a rather downbeat picket also returned and got good footage (one hopes!) this time of us all singing along. We folowed up with a poignant minutes silence with V signs (the victory one) to M&S to mark respect for the 3000 Palestinians who have lost their lives in the current intifada.
So all in all last night was very optimistic and I think everyone left on a high note. I had conversations with quite a few different people, activists from ISM and PSC and also those more new to campaigning and they all agreed that one of the best things about the demo was that it was consistent - that after 3 years it was still going weekly and provided a focused backbone for Palestinian support here in Britain. There's been a lot said about these pickets, some good, some bad. Some truth, some lies. Well, all I can say is if you haven't been before come down and check them out for yourself if you want to know what they're like and why a load of people from different backgrounds are there.
Action continues this Saturday 12 till 2pm outside above mentioned store and of course next Thursday 6 till 8pm, same place.
Victory to the Intifada!
Andrew Alexander
Hide the following 6 comments
What is wrong with supportting Israel with trade
12.12.2003 13:26
A reply from an M&S branch manager
Israel isn't Europe
12.12.2003 18:00
Dear M & S manager.
13.12.2003 15:59
Trade kept the peace in europe?? Oh really. Yugoslavia fell apart after Tito because
of IMF rules exacerbating the change over. It's been the same virtually everywhere else
'Free trade' and western financial strictures on economies has caused on-going poverty
conflict and disease in the world rather than peace.(All for the benefit of the West).
Western Europe held together because the post war governments instituted the welfare
states and maintained our privilaged economic position. This is now under threat
from renewed 'privatisation',breaking up and/or watering down trade union and worse
human rights legislation.
Israel & Palestine cannot be brought together with more of the strident capitalism
you support,it will only help keep Israel in control and the Palestinians in their
place - behind the aparteid wall mostly. (With a few rich Arabs being used to try to
mask the situation).
Dear Andrew Alexander,
10.01.2004 14:08
The only difference now is, the murdered humans are Israelis, are Jews. You don't have a single teardrop for them? You don't have any mercy for them? Why?
Because they are Jews and you are an anti-Semitist.
But why do you mask your hate with words like "peace" or "hope"? In your mind you have only one final solution to the middle east. You want Israel to be destroyed, all Jews forced out of the region or beeing killed.
Admit to yourself, that you - in secret for the time beeing - admire the historical model for your intensions. What could that be? Take a look in your history book, there might be a chapter about Germany at a given time.
Ian Connally
Dear Ian Connally,
10.01.2004 14:35
The only difference now is, the murdered humans are Palestinians, are Arabs. You don't have a single teardrop for them? You don't have any mercy for them? Why?
Because they are Arabs and you are a Zionist.
But why do you mask your hate with words like "peace" or "hope"? In your mind you have only one final solution to the middle east. You want Palestine to be destroyed, all Arabs forced out of the region or beeing killed.
Admit to yourself, that you - in secret for the time beeing - admire the historical model for your intensions. What could that be? Take a look in your history book, there might be a chapter about Germany at a given time.
11.02.2004 19:09
Ian Connally