2 London recruitment center visited by party aliens
D10 | 11.12.2003 15:31 | Anti-militarism | London
Anti-militarist activists from the D10 Group invited themselves to a party in 2 Army recruitment centers in London to celebrate Human's Right Day.
On the 10th of December - Human Right's Day - two Army recruitment offices in central London got a peculiar visit - people with silvery capes, pointy hats reading "Happy Human Rights Day" and other bits of silvery clothing came in to have a cake party : distributing leaflets, vegan cake and confettis at the sound party whistle curly things.
The leaftlet read :
The right to life is a human right
10 December: Human Rights Day
Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was
proclaimed on 10 December 1948, proclaims the right to life: "Everyone
has the right to life, liberty and security of person." However, in the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the military is
explicitly excluded from some human right guarantees (i.e. forced labour
for conscription - Art 8.3cII). And militaries around the world not only
violate the human right to life, claiming to protect it, they also
violate qua existence Article 20 of the ICCPR: "Any propaganda for war
shall be prohibited by law".
Recruitment is war propaganda
/Quote: "It's a bit of a shock when you first fire the gun of a warrior
tank, but you quickly get used to it. It is actually like a car
When you enter an Army Recruitment Office, you will be faced with war
propoganda. The justification for the very existence of the British Army
is that it is ready for war. The army website says about combat
soldiers: "You'll be part of a fighting force that's ready for war
fighting, wherever it's necessary."
What is doesn't say is that fighting means killing - and can mean being
killed. In the war on Iraq alone, more than 8,000-10,000 civilian deaths
have been reported. Since the beginning of the war and the subsequent
occupation, more than 500 military "casualties" (deaths!) have been
reported by US/UK and other coalition forces - 53 from the UK alone.
Joining the army not only means violation others' right to life - you
might also give up your life.
/Quote: "I signed up for action and adventur, and that's exactly what I
got, a baptism of fire that I will never forget"/
No human rights in the UK Army
/Quote: "At 16, when someone asks 'Do you want to work on helicopters?'
you say, 'Yes!'"!/
The Army talks a lot about "equal opportunities" and "career
opportunities". However, what they won't tell you is the price you'll
pay: If you sign up with 16 (which is legal in the UK, but violates
children's rights), and make use of any of their career opportunities or
qualifications, then you won't just need to do your initial five years
of service, you will be trapped for 22years! The army is not a job you
can just quit - although you sign up with a contract, non-fulfilment of
the contract from your side means imprisonment. Think twice before you
join the army!
In addition, you won't have freedom of speech any more. As a soldiers,
you cannot speak out in public about what you think. Again, doing so can
mean imprisonment. There are no human rights inthe army.
/Quote: "The best thing about my job is variety. You get to be a
soldier, but you also learn a trade and get yourself some qualification"/
The army lies - the army kills!
This information was brought to you by The D10 Group -
In case any of you feel inspired to go and offer vegan cake at your local recruitment center, you'll find it's address by following this link :
The leaftlet read :
The right to life is a human right
10 December: Human Rights Day
Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was
proclaimed on 10 December 1948, proclaims the right to life: "Everyone
has the right to life, liberty and security of person." However, in the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the military is
explicitly excluded from some human right guarantees (i.e. forced labour
for conscription - Art 8.3cII). And militaries around the world not only
violate the human right to life, claiming to protect it, they also
violate qua existence Article 20 of the ICCPR: "Any propaganda for war
shall be prohibited by law".
Recruitment is war propaganda
/Quote: "It's a bit of a shock when you first fire the gun of a warrior
tank, but you quickly get used to it. It is actually like a car
When you enter an Army Recruitment Office, you will be faced with war
propoganda. The justification for the very existence of the British Army
is that it is ready for war. The army website says about combat
soldiers: "You'll be part of a fighting force that's ready for war
fighting, wherever it's necessary."
What is doesn't say is that fighting means killing - and can mean being
killed. In the war on Iraq alone, more than 8,000-10,000 civilian deaths
have been reported. Since the beginning of the war and the subsequent
occupation, more than 500 military "casualties" (deaths!) have been
reported by US/UK and other coalition forces - 53 from the UK alone.
Joining the army not only means violation others' right to life - you
might also give up your life.
/Quote: "I signed up for action and adventur, and that's exactly what I
got, a baptism of fire that I will never forget"/
No human rights in the UK Army
/Quote: "At 16, when someone asks 'Do you want to work on helicopters?'
you say, 'Yes!'"!/
The Army talks a lot about "equal opportunities" and "career
opportunities". However, what they won't tell you is the price you'll
pay: If you sign up with 16 (which is legal in the UK, but violates
children's rights), and make use of any of their career opportunities or
qualifications, then you won't just need to do your initial five years
of service, you will be trapped for 22years! The army is not a job you
can just quit - although you sign up with a contract, non-fulfilment of
the contract from your side means imprisonment. Think twice before you
join the army!
In addition, you won't have freedom of speech any more. As a soldiers,
you cannot speak out in public about what you think. Again, doing so can
mean imprisonment. There are no human rights inthe army.
/Quote: "The best thing about my job is variety. You get to be a
soldier, but you also learn a trade and get yourself some qualification"/
The army lies - the army kills!
This information was brought to you by The D10 Group -
In case any of you feel inspired to go and offer vegan cake at your local recruitment center, you'll find it's address by following this link :
