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Are the English really sick in da head?

U bloody English stop killing our people! | 09.12.2003 00:46

The English tax payer keeps paying for guns that have killed 4.5 million africans in CONGO DRC in the name of "fair trade" fuck you all!

You make us sick Tony blair- How would U feel us shaking hands with Osama
You make us sick Tony blair- How would U feel us shaking hands with Osama

Mugabe's shadow haunting our children!
Mugabe's shadow haunting our children!

English people you should be ashamed of your selves. Shame on you!!!

U bloody English stop killing our people!


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Our children are bleeding!

09.12.2003 01:16

What did africans wrong you?
What did africans wrong you?

Let the English come to Africa and explain to our children!

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Shook hands?

09.12.2003 01:19

Blair shook hands with Osama long ago, albeit through intermediary Bush. They'll shake hands with any genocidal brother or sister who advances world fascism
Simple innit?



09.12.2003 08:37

Isn't that a bit - er - racist?


don't paint us all with the same brush

09.12.2003 11:34

I do not support the UK government. I believe that the sale of arms is wrong. Do not go round slating an entire nation of people just because of the leader. I don't support Bush either but i don't go round saying that American's are evil.

If we don't pay taxes, we end up in jail. The only way we can stop the trade is by getting someone in government who will not sell guns.

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Majority of English are only fat consuption pigs.

09.12.2003 16:29

Dont waste time trying to converse with the English in my own experience they are all big fat ignorant consuption pigs.Look at the so called Christmas celebration.Pissed out of their tiny brains and stuffing their big over fed mouths with mas produced cardboard tasting turkey.No one is interested in anything at the present moment.


deep philosophy

09.12.2003 18:04

It's a splendid concept tho (all English people are evil etc. etc.), isn't it?

For example Saptal Ram and Winston Sillcot are obviously guilty as sin, while Gordon Brown is in the clear, as he's Scottish.

And likewise all Indians (India being a democracy) are warmongering intolerant BJP supporters (even the Muslims).

Either that or it's a heap of racist shit, that only appeals to guilty whities and Redkop-type illiterates.

Personally, I blame the Welsh.

phats again

Do you want peace?

09.12.2003 18:09

Collective fear stimulates herd instinct, and tends to produce ferocity toward those who are not regarded as members of the herd. Bertrand Russell

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Justice is our quest!

09.12.2003 21:27

As always, we liken our battles for justice to those of a mouse traped in a corner. What do you expect for the mouse to do? A brave mouse will put up a fight! Our struggle is universal and has no color-enjoy this MP3!

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Mice or (wo)Men

10.12.2003 00:27

We're only mice when we go Eek a mouse
English or otherwise, we're so much more than this
Good song, joram
Substitute any number of other titles for 'Mugabe'


Media representation of Africa in Europe

13.12.2003 23:16

This is not an appropriate time in history to resort to petty nationalism. Nationalism was responsible for the worst atrocities of the 20th Century. What is needed is for ordinary people to communicate across borders and boundaries to educate each other. There is enormous ignorance in the UK and the rest of the West about Africa. Africa is portrayed in a very racist and distorted way in the media. Which is not to ignore the problems that there are. What is never reported here is how deeply implicated Western governments and business are in all the atrocities up and down the continent, like Rwanda, Congo............. the list goes on. The brutal history of colonialism has also been swept under the carpet.


stop criminals visiting your countries

14.12.2003 10:33

I think the way forward is when our comrades like you say NO to criminals visiting your lands. I was very moved by a collective in london that stalked mugabe while shopping in western malls.

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