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How the world can oust Bush

Heckraiser | 08.12.2003 16:36 | Anti-militarism

Bush messes with the world, so it's our duty to mess with him.

1. Learn about American politics, and the strategies and tactics involved in winning American hearts and minds.

There is a good strategy called "defeat the right in 3 minutes at:

I have some ideas on rhetoric usage at: has lots of strategic info, see especially the strategy section.

Help make sure that Americans CAN vote, by helping the campaign at

2. Do you meet with an organization that hates Bush? If not, join one, if so, try to get them involved in the US election.

4. Donate to American organizations that will fight Bush in the election. This means NGOs that buy ads and register voters, alternative media, and so on. Raise money by selling your old junk, cutting spending, or getting a second job. Some organizations:

5. Plan a volunteering vacation in an American swing state. Find democrats there you can stay with, and organizations to volunteer for.

6. Use the internet to invade American message boards, forums, and chats, especially ones in swing states. Disrupt the pro-bush propagandists, and provide links to alternative media.

7. Write to companies that donate to the republicans, such as Shell Oil, and tell them you've boycotted their products. Write to companies that donate to Democrats to praise them and tell them that you've started buying their products now. See who donates what at:

8. Write to the American media, and tell them that you're boycotting them and their advertisers because of their pro-Bush bias. To get contact info for the media, go to (hold your nose first) and then click "action center".

If you want to know the top 100 US newspapers, here they are, again, plug your nose:

Just look at what ads are on their website, and tell them you're boycotting those.

Here is some more media contact info:

8. Make an anti-Bush blog or website. It doesn't need to be origional. Just copy and paste things, and link to every other anti-Bush site. Blogs (Web logs) are very easy to make, sign up at
