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Police in Crete shot a 22-year-old Greek for not stopping at road block.

A | 07.12.2003 18:08 | Repression


Police in Crete shot a 22-year-old Greek. The young man refused to stop for a standard police check and as a result he was fired upon at least six times. The 22 year old was carried to the local hospital and according to the latest news he is clinically dead. Yesterday evening a group of relatives, friends and as well as about 80 anarchists acting in solidarity attacked the local police station. Almost every window of the station was broken, two police cars were destroyed and six more severely damaged. Four policemen got beat up by the demonstrators. Six people were arrested and severely beaten up; they are now waiting to be charged. The police are still looking for another 7 people (possibly local anarchists) whose names they already know. There's also been some talk about closing down the local Anarchists squat



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Two young Greeks die in rightwing arson

07.12.2003 19:41

Two Greek men aged 22 and 23 have died in a fire in the south German town of Kandel believed to have been set by at least one rightwing man police are holding. The man being held is known from the rightwing scene and frequently spent time together with like-minded people in a pub near the fire site.

nacktergolfer/SWR Radio/Diet Simon, 07.12.2003 12:58
- Homepage:

link to english pages in Thessalonika imc.

08.12.2003 14:27

includes some translations from local newspapers.

sticky moussaka. reports are three "anti-authoritarians" are being held.

greek original:
