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Nausea | 07.12.2003 02:32

Israel , the only democratic state of the Middle East, is the only western state whose health institutions finance illegal organ trade .
Israel is the only western state whose medical establishment and Health Ministry do not condemn the doctors involved or take legal steps against them.

ISRAEL ,WHAT A NICE STATE IT IS! What pretty citizens it has!

Israel , the only democratic state of the Middle East , is the only state in the world which has legalized the torture . (The next one ? USA : Dershowitz is popularizing the idea!).

Israel , the only democratic state of the Middle East, is the only western state whose health institutions finance organ trade .

The level of medical morality , of human morality increases.!

This news are not given by the Muslims propaganda but by Haaretz ,a great Izraelian diary. :

Half of kidney transplants are illegal
By Ran Reznick
Haaretz: Fri . Dec 05 2003

About half of all kidney transplants performed on Israelis in recent years were illegal, while most transplant patients received funding from their health maintenance organizations, the Defense Ministry and insurance companies.

According to the Health Ministry and hospital records, about half of all Israelis who had kidney transplants in recent years obtained the organ in illegal trade from donors in Israel, Turkey, South America and eastern Europe.

Most Israelis had the transplants performed in South Africa. Some 450 patients are waiting for kidney transplants in Israel, but only 160 such operations are performed annually, with the majority or organs coming from deceased donors.

The average waiting time for an adult kidney transplant is three to four years, while for children it is seven months.

Some 300 Israelis are estimated to have bought kidneys abroad in illegal organ trade in the last four years. Senior doctors said that in some cases, organ traders and mediators negotiated directly with Israeli insurance companies for the illegal payments. Senior doctors and legal experts said Israel is the only western state whose health institutions finance organ trade.

Most organ transplant cases involve senior Israeli doctors from large hospitals, doctors said. Some of the doctors conduct preparatory examinations for kidney patients and donors in Israel, while some doctors accompany the patients and perform the illegal transplants abroad.

Doctors said there is no supervision of the kidney donors, and in some cases, the sold kidneys are transplanted abroad even though they are unsuitable or contain contagious diseases. The transplants are performed in public and private hospitals overseas, and sometimes even in private homes that lack adequate equipment or means for emergency medical treatment.
The data on kidney transplants was presented by doctors at a conference held last week by the Israeli branch of the American College of Surgery that dealt with the paying of transplant organs.

Doctors at the conference said that illegal organ trade is conducted in many countries, but Israel is the only western state whose medical establishment and Health Ministry do not condemn the doctors involved or take legal steps against them. In most states, the purchase of organs is illegal and morally deplored by the medical establishment, and those involved risk losing their license.
Prof. Amram Ayalon, the director of the transplants and surgery ward at the Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer, said that unions of transplant doctors in Europe, where human organ trade is categorically prohibited, have called for a boycott of Israeli doctors.

One of the main reasons for the shortage of transplant organs in Israel is not the refusal of families to donate dead relatives' organs, but the ongoing failure of medical teams in public hospitals.

Prof. Pierre Singer, director of Beilinson's intensive care ward, presented data on the lack of awareness among medical teams, including surgeons, neurologists and intensive care doctors, regarding organ donation procedures and brain death determination.

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Four Israelis arrested in Brazil, S. Africa for organ trafficking
By Yuval Dror

Police in northeastern Brazil have arrested two Israelis and nine Brazilians suspected of participation in an international human organ trafficking organization stretching from South America to South Africa. In South Africa, Durban police have arrested two additional Israelis.
The group, allegedly led by the Israelis, is believed to have scoured the cities of Pernambuco state over the past year searching for candidates willing to sell their kidneys, authorities said.
"In all, they managed to talk 30 men into selling one of their kidneys," Wilson Salles Damazio, head of the local Federal Police office, said from his office in the state capital of Recife, 2,150 kilometers northeast of Sao Paulo. "Each one received between $6,000 and $10,000."
Damazio said an investigation was being conducted to determine the extent of the trafficking.
"Those that passed a thorough medical checkup were sent to Durban, South Africa where their kidney was extracted," Damazio said. "After a brief recovery period they were flown back to Brazil."
The case also was being investigated in South Africa, where two other Israelis were arrested in Durban, said a spokeswoman for police there, Mary Martins-Engelbrecht.

The Israelis arrested in Durban were identified as Agania Robel, 42, who allegedly received a kidney, and Meir Shushan, 50, who allegedly acted as a middleman.

They appeared in the Durban Magistrates Court on Wednesday on charges of contravening the Human Tissue Act and must appear again in February, Martins-Engelbrecht said. They were released on bail but their passports have been confiscated, she said.

"We cannot exclude the possibility of more arrests. Our investigations are still continuing," she said.

Brazilian authorities didn't identify the suspects they arrested. Damazio said they could be sentenced to up to 15 years in jail.

The 30 men who sold their kidneys could also sentenced to up to eight years in jail.



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where does it say in the article

07.12.2003 13:27

that 'health institutions finance organ trade' or that 'health institutions finance illegal organ trade'?

and it also seems that the operations are not carried out in Israel but in South Africa and Brazil. Which implies that the comment that 'medical establishment and Health Ministry do not condemn the doctors involved or take legal steps against them' is rather meaningless. Doesn't say much about those other countries either.


Why have the left fallen for anti-semitic propaganda?

07.12.2003 16:17

The left in their campaign against globalisation and imperialism seem to have fallen for anti-semitc propaganda originally put out by the far right. The far right were the first to critise Israel. They sided with the Palestinians and championed their cause. The left from the 1980s onwards took up the cause of the Palestinians too during the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982. The left ignored the fact that Israel was acting only in self defence to root out PLO terrorists who had set up bases in Lebanon. In recent years the left have tried to equate Israel with Nazi Germany and Arial Sharon with Hitler.

At pro-Palestinian demonstrations the Isreali flag is flown with the star of David replaced by a swastika and placards stating Arial Sharon = Hitler. This is Nazi revisionism at its sharpest. In no way can the state of Israel which is a democracy with 17 per cent of its population made up of ethnic minorities be compared to Nazi Germany of the 1930s! Arial Sharon is also a democratically elected and accountable Prime Minister who rules with the consent of a democratically elected Parliament.

This stance taken by the left has fueled anti-semitism and led to a massive rise in racist attacks against Jewish individual and against Synogues. This is exactly what the far right set out to do when they sided with the Palestinian cause. The left have therefore become pawns being used by anti-semitic right wing political thugs who want to create another holocaust! It is time the left wised up to this and dropped its anti-Israel stance and treated Israel with the respect it deserves for a freedom loving democracy.



07.12.2003 16:40



So what you are yourself doing 'Anti-Racist' is slurring the left with anyi-semitism when it has engaged in no such thing.

You're the one who seems to be aligning yourself with the far-right inorder to discredit the left.

Which happens to be exactly the disturbing tactic played by Ariel Sharon's regime in it's alliance with the most far-right administration in US history.

Also, if you bothered to look at the source of the article you would have found this.

"Haaretz was founded in Jerusalem in 1919 by a group of Zionist immigrants."



Anti-semitic propaganda?

07.12.2003 18:32

The article doesn't mention religion anywere. Israel doesn't speaks for all Jews, neither all Jews relate to Israel. But the zionists attack everything that doestn't excuse Israel's atrocities against other people, their favourite weapond is to call it anti-semitic.



07.12.2003 19:35

Can you provide me with a list of all the kidney transplants in Yemen, Lebanon and Afghanistan?

And don't tell me they don't have the expertise there, they invented algebra!



08.12.2003 10:45

To Bork: Are you serious about Yemen and Afghanistan being the birthplace of algebra? Even if your semi-literate assertion was correct, how does expertise in algebra imply that organ transplants are common? You do know that algebra is to do with numbers, while organ transplants take place inside the body, don't you?

As for the bullshit about anti-semitism: it is very easy to get hysterical about anti-semitism whenever zionism is mentioned. However, people easily see through this flimsy lie and don't fall for it anymore. Just coz you call anything you don't like anti-semitic will not stop it. You are taking part of a new Inquisition where any dissent is labelled racist or pro-terrorist.


but this really is racist nonsense

08.12.2003 15:22

Sure, false accusations of anti-semitism are used (mostly unsuccessfully these days) to try to stifle debate on Palestine.

But whoever posted this article under that title I think really is being anti-semitic. Illegal trade in body organs is a problem across the world. It's not exclusive to Israel. To try to pin it on Israel only is somewhat reminiscent of blood libels.


zionism is racism

09.12.2003 03:42

...Except in other countries around the world, they dont murder children deliberately and then take their organs for experimentation. See the websites below to see what "democratic israel" latest atrocities against humanity is. (warning, contains graphic photos of children mutilated by zionists)



09.12.2003 22:33

I heard once that a good definition of an 'Anti Semite' as 'persons hated by jews'.

I think this is becoming more and more a statement of truth and less one of a cynical mindset, particularly when the israeli/jewish mafia and its cappa du tutti cappa Sharon are saying that Pro Palestinian groups are anti semitic... this is nonsense... many arabs and palestinian people are semites also.

Anyone that wishes to politically condemn the behaviour of the Israeli government faces being tarnished as an anti semite by the israeli propaganda machine.
