Read it before it is censored!
You kno3 who | 06.12.2003 22:50 | Liverpool
The web master of this site (probably a middle class Marxist Trot) will probably censor this posting. Sectarian Marxist Trots ignore democratic procedure and are just as despotic and sly as the dominant culture at local government level. He or she cannot man the site every minute of the day. Can you?
The Liverpool Kensington New Deal initiative has entered another sinister sphere. It is now quite obvious to community activists that there are certain middle class Marxist Trotskyite sectarianists who are managing and working as community outreach workers in Kensington and other areas of Merseyside that have been earmarked for regeneration. These predominantly middle class secterian Trots have no conscience and care nothing for the poor working class people they claim to represent. They work hand in glove with the middle class dominant culture at local government level, i.e. corrupt council officers, elected members, Government Office civil servants. These middle class Trots are part off the oppressive system that is stealthily imposed onto working class communities throughout Merseyside. Government Office and the City Council are aware of these people, who they refer to as sleepers, but they are not too concerned because they know that these sectarian Trots will instigate and propagate the same oppressive procedures onto communities, as they, the dominant culture do.
It’s about time us working class folk had extensive dialogue and recognised these middle class and working class traitor Marxist Trot community workers exist and are in our midst. We need to stop these people from creating their publicly funded agencies of oppression and boot them out of our working class communities once and for all. We need to set up our own community participation and empowerment structures with no influence from these sectarian Marxist Trots and their corrupt council officer, Government Office civil servants and elected member mates.
It’s about time us working class folk had extensive dialogue and recognised these middle class and working class traitor Marxist Trot community workers exist and are in our midst. We need to stop these people from creating their publicly funded agencies of oppression and boot them out of our working class communities once and for all. We need to set up our own community participation and empowerment structures with no influence from these sectarian Marxist Trots and their corrupt council officer, Government Office civil servants and elected member mates.