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political incorrectness gone mad...

capt wardrobe | 06.12.2003 00:31

Recently there has been a shift in extreme right wing hate sites ( such as final conflict ) towards using the term 'NEW WORLD ORDER' in order to justify their racist ideology - DO NOT BE FOOLED by those who use this term for their own ends... anti-semetism still exists even though the right wing Isreali Likud party and the U.S Pentagon Hawks accuse anyone of it who critisises their nutty 'totalistic' doctrine of state terror tactics...

Here's an example: 'Friends of liberty'

appear to be sponsored by race hate crime promotors and all round NAZI scum 'The national alliance' if you click on the link in the 'like minds' section...on the right side of this page that says 'politically incorrect music'... [caution advised] ...these guys are NO FRIENDS TO YOUR LIBERTY, believe me...they are promoting amongst other such gems as 'screwdriver'- the Brit NAZI UN-popular HATE combo...mmm nice...NOT!

This is NOT liberal fairness or free speech- it IS hate warned!

some people might say i have inadvertantly just gave these pricks a plug
but i feel it is my duty to make people aware of these BOZOS...

love captain wardrobe

capt wardrobe


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Stop the Nazis

08.12.2003 15:59

Anti Nazi League:

(site includes links to partner groups in the Unite Against Fascism coalition)
