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US to London: You've made history!

Swamp Fox | 03.12.2003 22:50

The November 20 demonstration against Bush and Blair was amazing. As of this posting, it is still on C-Span's most watched video list!

Thanks to C-Span, one of the few remaining truly democratic institutions left in the United States, the historic London rally against Bush and Blair can be viewed online. (on C-Span's home page, go to the video search box in the upper right hand corner and type in the words: london rally).

Although over two hours of the rally are presented, you can fast forward to the 1:08 mark for the ten minute section covering the toppling of Bush's statue.

Also, starting at the 1:53 mark you can hear a short speech by the most courageous man of our time, George Galloway. Speaking like a modern day "Braveheart", you can hear him utter the battle cry, "God bless the people of America, God damn George W. Bush."

Swamp Fox


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Galloway was superb

03.12.2003 23:22

After that poisonous intelligence-services smear campaign against Galloway, it was wonderful to see that triumphant lion growling defiantly. And his point about the European elections is right on point: turnout is usually tiny in European elections, perhaps 20% of the electorate-- if the antiwar community was to turn out in strength we could sweep seats around the country



04.12.2003 15:11

Just click the link!
Could anyone maybe sus out how to download and burn to CD?

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