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Blind-drunk woman judge had to abort days sessions

Åke Tyvi | 02.12.2003 21:26 | Culture | Health | Liverpool

Capital District Court woman judge gave 1.6 o/oo and 1.7 o/oo breathalyser test results after her first out of four sessions for the day...


28th November 2003

Finland - Helsinki Capital District Court woman judge gave 1.6 o/oo and 1.7 o/oo breathalyser test results after her first out of four sessions for the day.

Helsinki Capital District Court lagman and his secretary measured these results from their colleague (in stead of police, which is a crime cover attempt) - a 57 year old woman judge. The breathalyser test meter was borrowed from the local police. - I wonder, who is the one doing the tests for the drunken judge drivers?

Woman judge suspected from drunkenness believes, that the breathalyser test result was so high due the the possibility of she having left some alcohol in her mouth, since she had no time to wash her teeth at the morning.

She had arranged a party in her house in the previous night, and had drunk several grasses of Koskenkorva soda punch, 2-3 aroma glasses of cognac, several glasses of Champagne, red wine and few bottles of beer.

After having gone to bed between 1.30 - 2.00 am, she woke up at 7.30 am. and was at work 9.45 am. for her four scheduled sessions for the day. Only the first sessions were finished, and even in this session the accessed party had difficulties in understanding the judge's slurring speech.

According to Helsinki Capital District Court's lagman and his secretary hearing report to the police, had the woman judge's talk been at the time test took place, easygoing and slurring on the other hand.

It is no wonder, that Helsinki Capital District Court's judgments are a bit like their judges. We may say their socialism having raised to the Swedish level, were people are more keen spending their socialist well fare society opportunities in a Russia way. Like in Russia, in Finland too, nothing has changed.

In Finland taxpayers pay these people's one sided salary raises so they can get drunk and became work(alc)holics. My advice to the agencies is very simple - they use my kind of businessmen property and money to get drunk. I do not pay their parties - get rid of them. These people are corrupted, not very talented or graduated from universities with high grades on different fields of science, and they cause deliberate damage to people. Our police is protecting these kind of people and as you have been able to see, and our police is not even able to take care of their job in a human way. These people have become parasites, who rule like Nazis.

Apupoika - Business Intelligence Finland

Ps. Sorry to say, but the alcohol consumption in Nordic nations is too high.

Orig. source: Iltasanomat (, 28th of November 2003, p. 11, "Umpihumalassa oikeudessa olleelle naistuomarille syyte"

Åke Tyvi