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Tom Paine | 02.12.2003 19:33

Like Bin Laden Phoney now needs dialysis.

On top of his failing heart, Phoney now needs dialysis as his kidneys pack up.

The doctors who are treating him were overheard discussing his the treatment he will need.

They are trying to stop him from taking the amount of drugs he has taken all his life.

His hypochondria is so strong that it is now a serious mental illness.

He PASSIONATELY believes everything.

He PASSIONATELY believes in the war in Iraq, selling the NHS,top up fees, everything and anything.

We are being ruled by a lunatic.

He remindes of that Huntly fellow except Phoney has killed more people.

It's no wonder that Brown is looking so happy.

Prime Minister Brown..that has a nice ring to it.

The sooner the better.

Tom Paine
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