Have your voice heard to stop 220 000 tons of cyanide in our water
Rosia Montana | 02.12.2003 18:28 | Ecology | World
The PHARE commission for the Canadian project at Rosia Montana Romania (that will dump 220 000 tons of cyanide into the
phreatic water, among other goodies) stated that ONG/NGO organizations, from all over the world, that are taking an
interest in this projected disaster can register with the commission to have their voice heard. Among the issues to be
evaluated: mining industry, social, environment, biodiversity, water, legal aspects, cultural aspects, etc.
The issues at stake will decide the future of the mining industry in all Europe!
All you have to do is to send a letter (preferably with confirmation of reception, because there are chances someone might
prefer to ignore it), stating that you want to register for the consulation with the commission to:
Dimitrie Clepan Sef Agentia de Protectie
a Mediului Alba Strada Lalelelor Nr.7B Tel/Fax: 0258
813 248/813290
apm_alba@hotmail.com (the email is likely to be ignored)
Please send also a copy of your letter to Alburnus Maior, (again to make sure the government responsibles will receive it):
alburnusweb AT yahoo.com and alburnus_major2002 AT yahoo.com
or fax it to: +0258 859328
More details can be found at:
phreatic water, among other goodies) stated that ONG/NGO organizations, from all over the world, that are taking an
interest in this projected disaster can register with the commission to have their voice heard. Among the issues to be
evaluated: mining industry, social, environment, biodiversity, water, legal aspects, cultural aspects, etc.
The issues at stake will decide the future of the mining industry in all Europe!
All you have to do is to send a letter (preferably with confirmation of reception, because there are chances someone might
prefer to ignore it), stating that you want to register for the consulation with the commission to:
Dimitrie Clepan Sef Agentia de Protectie
a Mediului Alba Strada Lalelelor Nr.7B Tel/Fax: 0258
813 248/813290

Please send also a copy of your letter to Alburnus Maior, (again to make sure the government responsibles will receive it):
alburnusweb AT yahoo.com and alburnus_major2002 AT yahoo.com
or fax it to: +0258 859328
More details can be found at:

Rosia Montana