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New and extraordinary level of Indymedia censorship

dh | 02.12.2003 00:42

The children of this nation permanently irradiated with a carcinogenic substance? An authoritative source tucked on the inside page of a single Broadsheet newspaper. Is this repeated? I've checked back through the 'View all posts' link and can't find another version. Perhaps wrong. I can't think of a single other reason why this article,unconsciously repeated, should contradict Editorial Guidelines

What is more important than this?



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02.12.2003 00:57

they've been moved off the front page, because they're just cut-and-paste of copyrighted material from the corporate media. we haven't censored them: they're still there on the "view all posts" page:

indymedia is not here to promote the guardian or any other corporate paper: it's for YOU, for YOUR voice. let's hear what YOU have to say about this important issue.

write an article: it will not be hidden. you could use those links to the guardian as supporting material in your article if you want. but you're the journalist here, not them.


imc bloke