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Jewish Socialist Group says Denis McShane should resign

Jewish Socialist Group | 01.12.2003 13:44

Labour MP and minister for Europe Denis McShane has called on British Muslims to “choose” between terrorism and what he calls “the British Way” , of peaceful and democratic progress.

Perhaps McShane has forgotten that many Muslims in this country are from countries that had a somewhat different experience of the “British Way”, and have recently seen the government’s dedication to peaceful means as demonstrated over Baghdad and Basra.

But of course the ’British Way’ means that bombs dropped from the air, however many people they kill, do not count as “terrorism”. (Then again, perhaps when the report into the Dublin and Monaghan bombs is published, and David Shayler and his colleagues are permitted to tell the truth about bombings like that in Libya we shall have a clearer picture).

More to the point, McShane’s arrogant remarks were on the front pages alongside pictures of the bombings in Turkey. No matter that the majority of victims were Muslims, this kind of demand addressed to British Muslims amounts to a “terrorist” smear attributing collective responsibility for distant events to an entire community - exactly the same thinking demonstrated by the synagogue bombers, incidentally - and just what racists and fascists like the BNP want to use to whip up hatred and violence against Muslims and other minorities. We recently remembered Kristallnacht. We have not forgotten how Hitler used the desperate act of a young Jewish refugee, Hirshl Grysnzpan, as the pretext to launch a massive state-pogrom against Jews in Germany, all in the name of reacting to a “terrorist conspiracy”. We also remember that here in Britain, in the 1940s, Mosley’s fascists tried to whip up anti-Jewish mobs in the wake of Irgun Zvai Leumi attacks on British forces in Palestine.

Violence against Muslims and anyone else perceived as “foreign” is nothing new, and the racists don’t always wait for a pretext. But as with Enoch Powell’s remarks about immigrants in the 1960s, remarks by supposedly respectable and educated politicians are quickly taken as the green light of encouragement by those who organise the lumpen racists. That is why we must hold leaders and professional communicators (and McShane is both) responsible, for their words can lead to others’ actions.

That is why the Jewish Socialists’ Group is declaring solidarity with the Muslim community over this attack, and is submitting the resolution below to the forthcoming National Assembly Against Racism:

The National Assembly Against Racism condemns the text of the speech that Denis MacShane was to make in Rotherham and the ’toned down’ speech asking the Muslims to ’make a choice’ in relation to terrorist bombings.

We utterly reject as racist the notion that a community and its organisations be required to take collective responsibility for what particular individuals have done - in this particular case acts of individuals from another country in a different country. We reject as racist stereotyping of Muslims as opposed to any other group of people, as potential terrorists, as people who need to make a choice of rejecting terrorism. We believe that his remarks, in their hard or ’soft’ form (the hard form is very much in the public domain on the front pages of newspapers) gives succour directly to the British National Party who use Islamaphobia as a key weapon to build support.

The National Assembly Against Racism calls for the immediate resignation or sacking of Denis MacShane as Europe Minister.

Jewish Socialists’ Group

Jewish Socialist Group


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What a ridiculous statement that was.

01.12.2003 14:12

The what against what now?

How can calling on Muslims to choose between democracy and terrorism be racist? Muslims are not a race. Their is no ethnic or even national homogeneity in Islam, despite the attempts of the fascist advocates of the khilafah, and these are the people McShane was referring to!

Say no to Islamic imperialism and dhimmitude!

A round of applause for McShane's clarity, honesty and anti-racist fairness!


Two differences for you

01.12.2003 14:38

There's a big difference between Jews in 1930s Germany and Muslims in present day Britain. Two off the top of my head:

1) Jews in Germany were totally stripped of their legal rights. Ethnic minorities Muslims (which most are) enjoy greater protection under law than the majority (i.e. white christians or white secular Britons). The race relations act 1976 and the legislation due to be introduced tomorrow both give all Muslims, even non-ethnic-minority Muslims, rights over and above the rest of the population.

2) I have never heard of a Rabbi telling worshippers it is their duty to go out and kill non-Jews in order to be rewarded with a paridise of gold and silver plates and 72 naked, nymphomaniac virgins.

Anzhela Margynova

We support this call innit.

01.12.2003 14:59

...and Chunky, Penkie & Ronnie call for all politicians to resgn, and to give up their careerist back-hander culture. And all capitalists too, come to think of it. But does this mean anything? Angela, did you ever hear of Rabbi Kahane? Oh, he's your dad... me see. Los penguinos rojos, una revolucion alhogado en sangre.

Mad Ted
mail e-mail:

through a scanner darkly

01.12.2003 15:27

Ah I see; there's 'nothing racist' about being anti-Muslim, and in fact Muslims are a privileged elite out to murder everyone. And no parallels there with how the Nazis talked about Jews in the 1930s, oh no.

I know I shouldn't let these race-hate trolls wind me up, but y'know.. At least the statement from the JSG proves once again that there are serious anti-racists out there who understand that united we stand, divided we fall.


phantoms of the kurious mind

01.12.2003 16:06

It saddens me that you respond in a way that ingores what I wrote. If you wanted to respond you could have criticised my words rather than your own prejudices. Muslims are not a privileged elite, but it is a legal fact that they have rights which are not enjoyed by the majority of the population. Do you contest that this is true?

I recognise that often the slur of 'dual loyalty' which is regularly used to attack Jews (occasionally on Indymedia) is also used to attack Muslims. This, I think, is what concerned the JSA - that McShane was implying all Muslims are somehow fifth columnists for the global jihad to establish a global khilafah.

Incidentally, the khilafah isn't a conspiracy theory propgated by Jews in the same way that the forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is still peddled by extreme Judeophobic groups.

I agree with McShane if he is meaning that no-one can be anti-racist, anti-fascist, and multicultural person but still live their lives with the intention of brutalising those around them to bring them into dhimmitude in global Islamic theocratic tyrrany.

If Meir Kahane had ever had supporters across the country I would be happy for a minister to speak out and say that the Kahane way is incompatible with a multicultural democracy. The real life reaction to Kahane was that he was assassinated, as was his son and daughter in law, by, well, we can guess. No one has tried to murder Abu Hamza, Abu Qatada, Anjem Choudary, or any British Muslim equivalents of Kahane.

Or Combat 18, or the National Front, the BNP - all incompatible, but they want the same thing as popular groups like Hizb-ut-Tahrir, that is to rule in an apartheid state where being different means you are legally defined as being subhuman.

Lastly, I am not a race hater and I am not Islamophobic. I do not see that religion should be used as a cover for fascism, whether that is Christians or Jews or Muslims. It is reasonable for McShane to ask for Muslims to be tolerant and accepting of different cultures and beliefs, rather than saying all Muslims are violent and racist, he stated that it is unacceptable for any group to be violent and racist even if they hide behind a religion and consider themselves impervious to criticism.


The new legislation.

01.12.2003 18:40

" Muslims are not a privileged elite, but it is a legal fact that they have rights which are not enjoyed by the majority of the population. Do you contest that this is true?"

This is not true, atheists are just as protected under the new laws as Muslims, as indeed are Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Druids, you name it.

Take your racist crap somewhere else.


disprove this

01.12.2003 21:26

Sometimes people on this site say 'this is my analysis - and i challenge you to disprove it'.

It would be nice if instead they make a decent effort to argue their case instead.

On this thread, that would be, as an absolute minimum, posting a link to the UK legislation (in force or proposed). If the legislation seems a bit vague - explain how you think it backs your argument.

Anzhela - I am talking to you. (I accept that just because I think you're thick, doesn't mean that you are - but you still may be).

KLP - I know semantics is boring but 'Nation' means different things to different people. Muslims can think of themselves as a nation without being of one State. And if we give McShane the benefit of the doubt - then in the age of the soundbite, he really ought to have constructed his with so much more care.
