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Buy Nothin Day subvert in Manchester

doin it | 01.12.2003 12:23 | Culture

This Buy Nothing Day subvert appeared opposite the main entrance to Piccadilly rail station on Saturday.

Plants and animals die to make way for your fat arse...
Buy Nothing

doin it
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Other activities

01.12.2003 12:40

Also on Saturday a stretch of JCDeceaux street advertsisements along the A6 in Salford were redectorated to re-enforce the advertisers' messages. The boards instead read; consume, obey, marry and reproduce, no free thought, honour apathy, go to sleep etc.
In Manchester City centre a number of 'Whirl Mart' actions took place. Dressed as aliens people visited shops to gaze in disbelief at the consumerist paradise and to generally disrupt normal business. Shops visted (all too briefly in some cases) included Selfridges, Tesco and the Arndale.



01.12.2003 13:25

cool subvert, but how did you manage to do such a big one??? it looks like its all on one giant bit of paper. did it need ladders and lots of people?



01.12.2003 15:27

Thats fantastic.



01.12.2003 16:44

Twas very easy...... the only hard part was getting in and out of the white biohazard suits. To see how it was done, check out the subvertising workshop at the Manchester Radical Bookfair this saturday.

Mythic North
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Re: hehehe

02.12.2003 01:30

and for people not in Manchestaaaa or able to come down to the Rad bookfair, pray tell how did you do it....?



How to do it...

02.12.2003 13:14

1. Select an image you wish to reproduce, the simpler the image the simpler your life will be in replicating it but if you want to be ambitious go for it
2. Photocopy it onto accetate (clear plastic sheets available in any stationers)
3. Pin large sheets of paper the size you want your subvert onto a wall, we used rolls of paper we found in a printer's skip - large bits of paper can be harder to come by so be resourceful and think laterally!
4. Using an overhead projector, like what you get in schools and unis, to project your acetate picture onto the large sheets of paper
5. Using the projected image as a guide, trace round it and fill with paint
6. We used paint mixed with PVA glue which dries waterproof
7. Take down the sheets of paper and roll up in the correct direction - so that they can be unrolled on the billboard from top down.
8. It is best to divide the image into vertical strips cos wide sheets of paper flap in the wind and are a nightmare. Also write on each roll which number it is in the series so there's no unrolling needed in the middle of the action
9. Select the billboard, take small ladder, wall paper paste in a bucket and a 'soft-headed' broom - I'm sure you can guess how to apply these things to the job in hand!
10. Don't let fear hold you back, this is a great, really visible action, if you get caught the fine should be minor and a great opportunity to publicise your actions
Take care and do summat!

havin it

big pieces of paper

04.12.2003 20:53

Keep an eye out for pre-glued wallpaper being thrown out in skips, etc. Already glued, so it's just wet and go...



10.12.2003 11:27

here are the photos of the subverts done along the a6 into manchester from salford on buy nothing day...

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Like Minds I Like

21.12.2003 04:50

Excellent slogans/salient points. Similar 'crass' comments/observations
are on my email providers site. Hoping it's ok to mention, if so, check

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Capitalism is your friend!

22.01.2004 16:49

as above ^ ^ ^

Anti student organisation
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