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The Iraqi Resistance Sword (by Latuff)

Latuff | 01.12.2003 10:16

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Iraqi people and their resistance against U.S. occupation.

Iraqi Resistance Sword
Iraqi Resistance Sword

Long Live to Iraqi Resistance!

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You're all fools!

01.12.2003 12:37

Can't you see that the Iraqi resistance does not cosist solely of terrorists and 'Saddam loyalists' but NOR is all of it a glorious, valiant, popular resistance. There is a spectrum of groups, and people involved, some thugs no doubt - Saddam's men are unlikely to have completely given up - and some more legitimate, such as nationalists defending their homeland from invasion, or Iraqis avenging the deaths of their friends and family.

Neither simple extreme, is right. I don't wish to support any group that attacks Red Cross buildings, or kills innocent Iraqis in their resistance, and there ARE Iraqis who have spoken out against the resistance as misguided, but there are also others who are sympathetic to it, and others who vocally support it.

Why can't people realise that it's not as simple as saying Iraqi resistance - good or bad?
That is the way Bush's mind works.


We peaceniks do not blindly support resistance

01.12.2003 13:25

Andrew, before you kindly tell us that we're all "fools", you should be aware that its not a case of "supporting" the resistance like its a game of football.

Your analysis of the different sorts of fighters in Iraq is sound. Its a real mess. The point is that it is the occupation that has caused, and is causing, the mess, and the best way to tackle the problem is to remove the source of the antagonism, ie the US/UK soldiers [who I would rather were not being killed!].

Sadly the US seems rather unwilling to cede any control to the UN and so even the imperfect solution of a UN-managed crossover of power remains absurdly utopian.

Shit situation, but it doesn't make me any less anti-war and anti the Project for a New American Century.

Pro-war wankichops however IS a "fool", as with his black'n'white vision of the world ALL Iraqi resistance is down to "turrrsts."

Mad Monk

Mad Monk....

01.12.2003 18:10

You're obviously more intelligent than that, but there ARE many, far too many, people trying to portray the entire resistance in a a glamorous light, while in reality the situation is far more complex


how about.............

01.12.2003 18:25

It's a shame that Latuff used the image of the gigantic hand holding the sword, thereby linking it in Iraqis' minds to Saddam Hussain.

This is connected to the current debate about the identity of the resistance.

For decades this symbolic sword was aimed at the people of Iraq, and the civilians of Iran. It seems totally inappropriate now to see it impaling a US soldier. It was never meant to do that.

Furat Al-Samaraie
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