Wake up left-wingers!
No tell | 30.11.2003 01:26 | Liverpool
Unless we acknowledge that the BNP and all the other racist fascists are on the up and up because us dick head left wingers, especially the middle class ones, have our heads buried in international issues they will wipe us out.
Christ, us comrades can not put our names on our published Indymedia articles anymore lest these bastard fascists at Red Watch get our names and trash our cars and fuck us up in whatever way the bastards can. Fuck them. These bastards are coming on to the scene more because us comrades have constantly got our fuckin heads in far off countries.
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Some truth
30.11.2003 10:22
But once you've seen that, and looked at the large picture, the only way to fix things is to change things at home. And the left is failing to do that, leaving a gap which groups like the BNP are filling. I was told a story once. There was a lady in a town with a BNP councillor. She was raped, and wanted to move out of her council house, but the council didn't let her. But then, this BNP councillor went ot her house, asked her what he could do, and then oushed in council for her to move.
PR victory. Now she will go around saying how the BNP care about local issues, and ignore the fact they are racist bastards.
They are like gangsters. The godfather who looks after his own ( white ) people for a bit.
So the left need to shift their focus towards whats happening close to home, and fight to deal with these local issues. Otherwise, we may as well move to Iraq, as the situation in Britain will become so bad there is no place for us, and no local support.
Freedom for Palestine, freedom for Iraq, and freedom for Britain. Freedom from corporate greed, racist politics, and corrupt leaders.