che marcos o'higgins Bolivar | 29.11.2003 15:55
The isolation of Cuba from the rest of the capitalist world, that has forced the growth of the state(read Communist Party or personal dictatorship of Castro), are as observers point out are the unfortunate corolllary of US attacks and sanctions,like on Iraq with saddam's dictatorship, but lets not be blind we defend the people of Iraq and cubaand fight for greater liberty but this will come not tunder the boot of aone man dictatorship but the mases freer and allowed to openly voice criticism dissent and not mouth blind loyalty to pensioner fidel however Graternal or fatherly we may feel to this 50s icon it is paramount we dont shut up and get on with it.we can say very similar and equally as palpable exscuses for cde Stalin, and his excesses and abuses of power (and they loyal adherents to socialism did!! lots of devoted intellectulas in European and indo -chinese affilliated to the comintern, who knew the truth hid it from the worker members of their respective communist paties - a necessary evil in the struggle for socialism (or a means of securing the leadership, by fawning in front of thre nmaster for jobs and social aggrandisement, status a car and revolutionary ego trip, most of the organistations were led by middle class trendy lefty intellectuals,(ring any bells!) and their grasp or experience of democracy was slim).
Hitler who no doubt had his totally craven cronies and henchmen, like Albert Speer architect of the 3rd Reich, who claimed everything was for the greater good of the country, the nation comes first, the party and the leader, etc once he let loose his brownshitted hordes on the workers movement and brutally suppressed all opposition history was rewritten, he failed to remember any of these details in Geeta Sereenys' interviews with him.They were in their day making a revolution.national not international, and the jews -gypsies and communists unreformable intransigent tenacious opponents of their methods well they were scum -who didnt fit the picture.So they wherdone to death in camps for revealing the emperor naked. We now read the good and bad guy theory as safe history for children. Good over there Bad over here.
Castro is a mad dictator who needs looking after in some old codgers home not to be trusted to look after cuba or its liberty.
Hitler who no doubt had his totally craven cronies and henchmen, like Albert Speer architect of the 3rd Reich, who claimed everything was for the greater good of the country, the nation comes first, the party and the leader, etc once he let loose his brownshitted hordes on the workers movement and brutally suppressed all opposition history was rewritten, he failed to remember any of these details in Geeta Sereenys' interviews with him.They were in their day making a revolution.national not international, and the jews -gypsies and communists unreformable intransigent tenacious opponents of their methods well they were scum -who didnt fit the picture.So they wherdone to death in camps for revealing the emperor naked. We now read the good and bad guy theory as safe history for children. Good over there Bad over here.
Castro is a mad dictator who needs looking after in some old codgers home not to be trusted to look after cuba or its liberty.
che marcos o'higgins Bolivar
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