Pressure from DFES to rewrite history
Bone_Idol | 28.11.2003 14:24 | Culture | Indymedia | Technology | Sheffield
I have helped administrate a mailing list covering issues around ICT development in the Burngreave Area of Sheffield.
Back in June 8, 2001. A message was posted to it giving information on the Computers Within Reach Scheme. This was a scheme where second hand PC's were refurbished and redistributed to people for £50 ( you got a copy of win98 word 2000 a modem and a printer ).
Now funded organisations associated with the project are receiving email from the DFES asking them to take down the archive page of the messsage.
here is the archive page
Its clearly dated, is titled "message archive" and is clearly not associated with the DFES
and here is the a copy of the message recd from DFES (with names removed to protect the guilty )
> Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2003 14:58:12 -0000
> From:
> Reply-To:
> Subject: RE: FW: Your website...
> To:
> XXXXX, many thanks for your help. Deleting the old archive page from
> website will considerably reduce the number of enquiries we are
receiving at
> the Department for Education on the now defunct "Computers within
> scheme...
> Department for Education and Skills
> Caxton House, Tothill Street
> Westminster
Can anybody suggest a strategy ?
Back in June 8, 2001. A message was posted to it giving information on the Computers Within Reach Scheme. This was a scheme where second hand PC's were refurbished and redistributed to people for £50 ( you got a copy of win98 word 2000 a modem and a printer ).
Now funded organisations associated with the project are receiving email from the DFES asking them to take down the archive page of the messsage.
here is the archive page

Its clearly dated, is titled "message archive" and is clearly not associated with the DFES
and here is the a copy of the message recd from DFES (with names removed to protect the guilty )
> Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2003 14:58:12 -0000
> From:

> Reply-To:

> Subject: RE: FW: Your website...
> To:

> XXXXX, many thanks for your help. Deleting the old archive page from
> website will considerably reduce the number of enquiries we are
receiving at
> the Department for Education on the now defunct "Computers within
> scheme...
> Department for Education and Skills
> Caxton House, Tothill Street
> Westminster
Can anybody suggest a strategy ?
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