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Sian Glaessner | 27.11.2003 14:32

Public Rally Saturday 13 December 2003 From 1-4pm, opposite Downing Street, London.
Guantanamo Bay
Belmarsh prison in the U.K...
Prisons all over the U.S...

Public Rally
This event is sponsored by: Campaign Against Criminalising Communities (CAMPACC),
Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers, Peace and Justice in East London, Pax Christi,
Voices UK, City Circle, JustPeace, The Muslim Parliament of Great Britain, Association
of Muslim Lawyers, The Green Party of England and Wales, Peace and Progress

Saturday 13 December 2003 From 1-4pm, opposite Downing Street, London.

NO JUSTICE: In the ‘war on terror’, many hundreds of people have been imprisoned without charge or trial by the US and UK governments.

These people can be held indefinitely without trial, in conditions amounting to torture. Most are not allowed access to families or lawyers. The detainees at Guantanamo face a closed military tribunal, with prosecution, defence and judge appointed by the US military. In the UK 16 detainees have been held without charge in Belmarsh Prison since December 2001. They do not know the allegations - made by secret police in closed sessions - against them. Rejection of recent appeals means that detainees now face indefinite imprisonment. More generally, UK anti-terrorism legislation is being used to harass migrant and refugee communities and suppress dissent, fan the flames of racial hatred and restrict the right of free speech.

Speakers include:

Azmat Begg (father of Moazzam Begg), Gareth Peirce, Louise Christian (Haldane Society), Jasmine Kureshi (Association of Muslim Lawyers), Naima Bouteldja (Just Peace), Mark Jennings (representing Bishar Al-Raw’s family), Jean Lambert MEP, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Tim Gopsill (editor, The Journalist), Mike Marqusee, Bruce Kent, Hugo Charlton (Chair, Green Party & CAMPACC), Stewart Hemsley (Chair, Pax Christi), Liz Fekete (Campaign against Racism & Fascism), Paul Donovan (journalist), Jaffer Clarke (Muslim Parliament of Great Britain) & Mark Thomas.

A petition calling for an end to imprisonment without trial will be handed into Downing St. Throughout the rally, a Guantanamo street action will be performed - if you are interested in taking part, please contact us.

For information contact: Campaign Against Criminalising Communities (CAMPACC)
Estella tel. 020 7586 589 fax 020 7483 2531 e-mail:

Sign the petition
Download a PDF file (345kb) of the publicity leaflet

Sian Glaessner


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No charge or trial for Belmarsh detainees

29.11.2003 21:42

My friend, Rachid Ramda, has been detained in Belmarsh Prison without charge or trial for over eight years. Part of this time has been spent in the Special Secure Unit for 22 hours per day to the detriment of his physical and mental health. His eyesight has deteriorated due to lack of natural daylight and all his joints ache due to his cramped conditions. He has lost his natural walk and has adopted the so-called "caged pace" - unwillingly ofcourse! Rachid is only 34. He has had no visitors in eight years and his parents have been denied visas twelve times to come to Britain and visit Rachid. There are many men detained in Belmarsh without charge or trial. One man has no arms and another cannot walk due to polio as a child and he is now in the prison's health care centre - an awful place I believe - and spends 24 hours a day in bed. His weight has dropped to 7 stone and he is only 34 years old. To quote Rachid "This is the bitter truth about human rights in England." Assalamu Alaykum.

Ann Alexander
mail e-mail:

Free Rachid Ramda Now

03.12.2003 23:09

I think it is horrendous that a person is kept in this condition for a day never mind eight years!!! To be detained in this manner in Britain under a labour government brings shame on us all.
