Reuters photo released today proves Simon's innocence
A/nia (m-L) | 26.11.2003 12:33 | Thessaloniki EU | Repression | World
Reuters released a new photo, which accompanied by two older ones clearly proves Simon's innocence. The new one is photo number 3
Photo no.1 The already well-known photo by Yiorgos Karahalis: Simon is been kicked by a riot cop while still wearing his blue and purlpe rucksack. This is the text that accompanied the picture:
A Greek riot policeman kicks a protester in a main street of the northern town of Thessaloniki following a meeting of the EU summit June 21, 2003. Police fired volleys of teargas in Greece's second largest city to disperse hundreds of self-styled anarchists who were among 25,000 peaceful anti-capitalist protesters marching through Thessaloniki's centre.The anarchists smashed shop windows and set fire to cars and buildings including a McDonald's. REUTERS/Yiorgos Karahalis
A Greek riot policeman kicks a protester in a main street of the northern town of Thessaloniki following a meeting of the EU summit June 21, 2003. Police fired volleys of teargas in Greece's second largest city to disperse hundreds of self-styled anarchists who were among 25,000 peaceful anti-capitalist protesters marching through Thessaloniki's centre.The anarchists smashed shop windows and set fire to cars and buildings including a McDonald's. REUTERS/Yiorgos Karahalis
A/nia (m-L)
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then is the also well known photo of his arrest
26.11.2003 13:05
Simon's arrest
An arrested demonstrator is being guarded by riot policemen after clashes that took place during demonstration against the EU summit, Thessaloniki Saturday 21 June 2003. EPA PHOTO/EPA/ORESTIS PANAGIOTOU
A/nia (m-L)
and this is the new Reuters photo
26.11.2003 13:09
new photo of Simon by Yiannis Behrakis
This file photograph taken June 21, 2003 following an EU summit in Thessaloniki, shows Simon Chapman from Basildon, Essex following his arrest by Greek police. His blue and purple rucksack can be seen in the background. Supporters of Chapman claim his bag was switched during his arrest with another containing firebombs and a hammer to implicate him. He is now on hunger strike in a Greek prison along with four others charged with possession of explosives and weapons, and supporters keeping vigil in Athens November 25, 2003, said that the vigil had now become a death watch . REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis
A/nia (m-L)
Only one photo
26.11.2003 13:25
Direct action
26.11.2003 14:01
Blue Bag
26.11.2003 15:28
TheLie of Simon's Innocence
26.11.2003 21:51
Robert Kessler
what the feck
26.11.2003 22:34
as i have heard from people, if simon had done the crime, he'd be happy to do the time. the fact is its obvious he didnt. so stop being such a twat, and stand up for fellow anarchists.
Don't you get it?
26.11.2003 22:54
The lie of your innocence
27.11.2003 01:36
But the truth has nothing to do with this. Not all anarchists throw bombs. Not all people that marched against the E.U. summit, were anarchists. And the fact is that Simon, did NOT carry molotov bombs. So he is NOT guilty. Being an anarchist, doesn't mean that you throw bombs. Like being a U.K. citizen does not mean that you kill children in Iraq.
On the other hand, soldiers, ivading a foerign country, are not demonstrating. They are not demanding anything, they are not talking. They exist in that country, only to conquer. And only to use force. A peacefull soldier, does not exist.
And still this matter is not so simple. Who is more responsible for the people dying in Iraq? The one that throwed bombs in an anti-war protest, believing that he is trying to stop the war (even if I believe that it is a mistake), or the one that sits in his home, wathcing TV doing nothing to stop his goverment from sending the troops?
An opinion from someone who was really there..
27.11.2003 08:47
ok, the truth is that even though I was there along with around 5000 other people of the black block(maybe the biggest of all blocks that day)I did not throw any molotov coctail but i really understood that all these actions(destroying and burning)were just symbolic.I mean that if the U.S.government has the right to bomb and kill anybody,anytime,with the E.U. standing next to them,then we really have to show that we are here...and we really gave them something to remember...
Today, all 7 arrested at that day are in Greek hospitals and out of jail,but the 5 of them are in a really bad condition.......
There are many things that happened in Thessaloniki and Athens after their arrest and believe me,these actions were really succesfull...
These 7 people(only 3 greeks) were just the scapegoats.They accused them with charges that most of them never did...there was secret police inside the black block....Sad but true.......
what do anarchists do, mr anarchist authority?
27.11.2003 10:42
what a load of crap
this anarchist does what he wants to do and certainly doesnt go along with dumb tactics just because someone else decided to start some shit
if I was near my bro was being jumped I'd be there for him, but when i do an action, I am part of an affinity group that decides what is going to do ahead of time, and that certainly doensnt include doing the most serious thing that any other group at an action has chosen to do
I would rather use every tool to fight authoritism, and bsting corrupt cops is one of those
27.11.2003 18:56
But, Clopy.......
27.11.2003 19:43
You say "A peacefull soldier, does not exist". Oh really? Does the U.N. have peaceful soldiers? Do you recognize that "liberate" and "conquer" are words with different meanings? Do you not see the obvious? The difference between invading a country to try to free it's people (i.e. the U.S. and Britain at Normandy Beach)and invading a country to try to enslave it's people (i.e. Eastern Europe under the Soviets) is the difference between justice and oppression? Or do you just enjoy smashing things?
27.11.2003 22:43
Like I said, I am not an anarchist but I have been on a few demos in my time, the most recent on 20 November where the police left us alone until the rally finished (can't say what happened after that because I left as the rally ended). I have always gone to demo's here in the UK hoping they will be peaceful, but after the poll tax fiascos of 1990/91 I have always thought 'that could happen to any of us'.
I don't know if you remember, but about 20-odd years ago there was a teacher called Blair Peach who went on a peaceful demo here in the UK. Then he got his head bashed in by a police officer. And then he died. The 'enquiry' was a bloody whitewash as usual, but there are people out there in their 30's/40's plus who remember what happened.
So, Robert, next time you decide to exercise your democratic right to protest (if you can be bothered), remember, it could be YOU.
Robert, anarchy does not tell people what to do or what to say.
28.11.2003 02:58
p.s. America did not defeat oppression when the nazis fell, america just beat them out to become the world empire. And because america won, it rewrote history, like so many have before. Maybe you should spend more time looking into the background of these empires.
Individual before a cause, or else the cause itself is oppressive
28.11.2003 07:08
When i see Simon in prison, i see an individual suffering at the hands of a system, and that is a higher call than any abstract theory or movement, so fuck anarchy if it means someone has to accept a punishment, the individual always comes first. Now Simon's case goes even a degree further than simply that, because he is clearly innocent, AS AN INDIVIDUAL, not a black bloc. while a black bloc might be based in autonomy and solidarity, that is for the protection of each and every individual, not becuase the bloc belives in assimilation. I do however take to heart the solidarity of a bloc in this: just as i would not want to languish in a prison, i do not want anyone to languish in prison, unless they express a wish or desire to, as Simon has most definately not done.
And Rob, i dont know what you're thinking, but summing up Anarchists under one label is the most counterproductive and ironic thing i can imagine.
Sean says "Anarchist means whatever you want it to"
28.11.2003 18:00
which is more facistical
30.11.2003 06:28