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David Icke | 26.11.2003 03:14


archived 03-035-00
Archive file re032500a

The C.I.A., worried that the public might be too influenced by Orwell's pox-on-both-their-houses critique of the capitalist humans and Communist pigs, dispatched agents to buy the film rights to "Animal Farm" from his widow to make its message more overtly anti-Communist.

Rewriting the end of "Animal Farm" is just one example of the often absurd lengths to which the C.I.A. went, as recounted in a new book, "The Cultural Cold War: The C.I.A. and the World of Arts and Letters" (The New Press) by Frances Stonor Saunders, a British journalist. Published in Britain last summer, the book will appear here next month.

Traveling first class all the way, the C.I.A. and its counterparts in other Western European nations sponsored art exhibitions, intellectual conferences, concerts and magazines to press their larger anti-Soviet agenda.

She also shows how the C.I.A. bankrolled some of the The C.I.A., worried that the public might be too influenced by Orwell's pox-on-both-their-houses critique of the capitalist humans and Communist pigs, dispatched agents to buy the film rights to "Animal Farm" from his widow to make its message more overtly anti-Communist.

Rewriting the end of Animal Farm is just one example of the often absurd lengths to which the C.I.A. went, as recounted in a new book, The Cultural Cold War: The C.I.A. and the World of Arts and Letters" (The New Press) by Frances Stonor Saunders, a British journalist.

Published in Britain last summer, the book will appear in North America next month. Traveling first class all the way, the C.I.A., and its counterparts in other Western European nations, sponsored art exhibitions, intellectual conferences, concerts and magazines to press their larger anti-Soviet agenda.

She also shows how the C.I.A. bankrolled some of the earliest exhibitions of Abstract Expressionist painting outside of the United States to counter the Socialist Realism being advanced by Moscow.

The Cultural Cold War:
The C.I.A. and the
World of Arts and Letters
(The New Press)
by Frances Stonor Saunders
a British journalist.

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David Icke


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  1. see for more reviews — reviewer
  2. David Icke — bubba
  3. Loony alert — Sheepshagger
  4. truth drug — Captain Wardrobe