BBC 2 Kennedy assasination whitewash
Jim Garrison was right | 23.11.2003 22:19
Far from being an in depth scientific expose of the Kennedy assasination, the programme currently on BBC2, is a rehashed, tired repeat of the Warren commission's whitewash cover up with added cold war rhetoric. The first few minutes of the programme concentrated on a computer enhanced graphics used to reinforce the Warren commission's findings about a single bullet lone assasin. The computer graphics failed to show or explain the zepruder film in its entirety. If it had the programme would had have to explain away the glaringly shocking scenes of the full frontal of President Kennedy's head being hit with a bullet from someone firing from in front of the calvalcade, causing a massive exit wound which blew off the back of the President's scalp.
The programe should be judged on the information it fails to show such as the Zepruder film in its entirety and what it omits to tell us about Lee Harvey Oswald's role as an CIA operative , his close connections to covert american intelligence services and black ops operatives such as Clay Shaw/Berttram and right wing Cuban exiles.
Jim Garrison was right
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resigning from oliver stone fanclub
23.11.2003 23:32
pol notnice
exactly what i thought too
24.11.2003 15:20
Ken Neddy
'JFK' is a movie
24.11.2003 18:12
But people really shouldn't take Oliver Stone's movie as history! He freely admits he made stuff up to make it more exciting. And not just character bits (Garrison's whole speech at the end) but key facts (eg. witness interviews, the 'faked' photo, NSC documents). To be honest, I don't think Stone thought people would take it so literally!
Hey ho.