who was really behind the istanbul bombs?
unbeliever | 22.11.2003 20:12 | Bush 2003 | Analysis | London
big sceptical alrm bells rang when i heard of the bombs on that particular day - seems like a terrible pr own goal for al-qaeda - they screwed up the front pages of newspapers around the world that might otherwise have shown the toppling of bush's statue in london
sure enough, instead of pictures of bush's statue being toppled in the record-breakingly huge london demo against his state visit, the world's press showed the carnage in turkey, and bush's pr was made safe.
now i know muslim extremists might not be the sanest people on this earth, but i don't believe they're completely stupid either. the timing of these bombs seem to me to work much better FOR the bush administration than against them. once again, they reinforce the need for the unwinnable and never-en ding 'war on terror'at a time when a significant part of the british population displayed their profound disagreement with these policies.
a bomb the following day would have allowed all the anti-bush publicity to thrive around the world's media and then be followed by a bomb to show the result of their policies.
so who really did it? i'm not generally madly into conspiracy theories, but this bomb just didn't add up for me - anyone else got any thoughts on this.
i found the following piece (sorry about the weird formatting) at 'centre for globalisation research' which ties in with my thoughts, and there's more info on this at:
Turkish Top Military Brass meets Wolfowitz one day before Istanbul Attacks
(Global Research Canada, 21 November 2003) The two Istanbul attacks respectively on the HSBC in the
financial district and on the British Consulate were, according to media reports "timed to coincide with
President George Bush's state visi t to London."
The explosions were described by the Turkish press "as similar to those that occurred on Sept. 11, 2001".
The Istanbul Stock Exchange (IMKB) plummeted by 7.37 percent immediately after the bombings. The stock
exchan ge was closed down at 11 am. On World markets, the gold index moved toward the $400 an ounce
The lira "slipped in thin trading". Banks ceased quotes on the Turkish interbank foreign exchange market. The
Lira was defended by the Turkish Central Bank, which "provided the necessary liquidity.” The Central Bank
statement was said to have "stopped a crisis in the foreign exchange market". Yet at the same time, the
Central Bank decision was also conducive to a decline in Central Bank forex reserves and a massive capital
These movements on the equity and currency markets raise the important question: Was there insider
trading and speculative trade based on foreknowledge of th e attacks?
It is also worth mentioning that the attacks took place one day following the completion of the annual
Turkish-US Joint Defense Group meeting (17-19 November 2003).
The Turkish delegation to this meeting was led by Deputy Chief of General Staff Gen Ilker Basbug, who met
his US counterpart US Deputy Chief of General Staff Gen Peter Pace.
The mandate of the Joint Defense Group was to discuss issues pertaining inter alia to the war on terrorism.
Basbug met up in at least two separate meetings with Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz at the
Pentagon and at a luncheon hosted by Deputy Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Peter Pace. (Asia Africa
Intelligence News Wire, 20 Novemb er 2003). Dr. Wolfowitz is one of the main architects of the "war on
General Basbug later met up with Assistant Secretary of State Richard Armitage and Deputy National Security
Advisor Stephen Hadley.
On the da y of the attacks, Paul Wolfowitz held a press conference together with General Busbag.
Lieutenant General Basbug left Washington on the 20th, after participating in the press conference.
Britain's Foreign Minister Jack Straw who traveled to Istanbul on Thursday the 20th "said that it was not
possible to say anything definite at the moment but the attacks bore the hallmarks of the al Qaida network."
The British Consul General Roger Short, was killed by the bomb as he was en tering the consulate building.
Press reports confirmed that he had cancelled an appointment at the last minute and "if he had gone to his
appointment, he would have been alive"
http://www.hurriyetim.com.tr/haber/0,,sid~381@nvid~338359,00.asp )
A wave of arrests was initiated in the immediate wake of the attacks and prior to the conduct of a full-fledged
investigation. The Turkish authorities stated that they would not publish the number of persons arrested and
the "people should trust in the Turkish police"
They attacks have created conditions for a more active role of Turkey in the Iraqi war theater. They create
conditions for Turkey's participation in the war on terrorism, while weakening its l inks to the EU.
More generally the attacks serve to strengthen the Anglo-American military axis and the legitimacy of Bush's
"War on terrorism." In the words of one commentator on National Public Radio (21 November 2003):
I f we had gone after al-Qaeda, would they still be able to do things like bomb the British
Consulate in Turkey, in Istanbul? So it reminds Americans and Englanders that this is still a
problem. This terrorist group is still work ing. And who's next?
The Istanbul bombings also serve to uphold the shaky legitimacy of Prime Minister Tony Blair in the face of
mounting political opposition to Britain's' participation in the US led war.
Michel Chossudo vsky, 11/21/03
© Copyright CRG .2003 For fair use only/ pour usage équitable seulement.ee
now i know muslim extremists might not be the sanest people on this earth, but i don't believe they're completely stupid either. the timing of these bombs seem to me to work much better FOR the bush administration than against them. once again, they reinforce the need for the unwinnable and never-en ding 'war on terror'at a time when a significant part of the british population displayed their profound disagreement with these policies.
a bomb the following day would have allowed all the anti-bush publicity to thrive around the world's media and then be followed by a bomb to show the result of their policies.
so who really did it? i'm not generally madly into conspiracy theories, but this bomb just didn't add up for me - anyone else got any thoughts on this.
i found the following piece (sorry about the weird formatting) at 'centre for globalisation research' which ties in with my thoughts, and there's more info on this at:
Turkish Top Military Brass meets Wolfowitz one day before Istanbul Attacks
(Global Research Canada, 21 November 2003) The two Istanbul attacks respectively on the HSBC in the
financial district and on the British Consulate were, according to media reports "timed to coincide with
President George Bush's state visi t to London."
The explosions were described by the Turkish press "as similar to those that occurred on Sept. 11, 2001".
The Istanbul Stock Exchange (IMKB) plummeted by 7.37 percent immediately after the bombings. The stock
exchan ge was closed down at 11 am. On World markets, the gold index moved toward the $400 an ounce
The lira "slipped in thin trading". Banks ceased quotes on the Turkish interbank foreign exchange market. The
Lira was defended by the Turkish Central Bank, which "provided the necessary liquidity.” The Central Bank
statement was said to have "stopped a crisis in the foreign exchange market". Yet at the same time, the
Central Bank decision was also conducive to a decline in Central Bank forex reserves and a massive capital
These movements on the equity and currency markets raise the important question: Was there insider
trading and speculative trade based on foreknowledge of th e attacks?
It is also worth mentioning that the attacks took place one day following the completion of the annual
Turkish-US Joint Defense Group meeting (17-19 November 2003).
The Turkish delegation to this meeting was led by Deputy Chief of General Staff Gen Ilker Basbug, who met
his US counterpart US Deputy Chief of General Staff Gen Peter Pace.
The mandate of the Joint Defense Group was to discuss issues pertaining inter alia to the war on terrorism.
Basbug met up in at least two separate meetings with Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz at the
Pentagon and at a luncheon hosted by Deputy Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Peter Pace. (Asia Africa
Intelligence News Wire, 20 Novemb er 2003). Dr. Wolfowitz is one of the main architects of the "war on
General Basbug later met up with Assistant Secretary of State Richard Armitage and Deputy National Security
Advisor Stephen Hadley.
On the da y of the attacks, Paul Wolfowitz held a press conference together with General Busbag.
Lieutenant General Basbug left Washington on the 20th, after participating in the press conference.
Britain's Foreign Minister Jack Straw who traveled to Istanbul on Thursday the 20th "said that it was not
possible to say anything definite at the moment but the attacks bore the hallmarks of the al Qaida network."
The British Consul General Roger Short, was killed by the bomb as he was en tering the consulate building.
Press reports confirmed that he had cancelled an appointment at the last minute and "if he had gone to his
appointment, he would have been alive"
A wave of arrests was initiated in the immediate wake of the attacks and prior to the conduct of a full-fledged
investigation. The Turkish authorities stated that they would not publish the number of persons arrested and
the "people should trust in the Turkish police"
They attacks have created conditions for a more active role of Turkey in the Iraqi war theater. They create
conditions for Turkey's participation in the war on terrorism, while weakening its l inks to the EU.
More generally the attacks serve to strengthen the Anglo-American military axis and the legitimacy of Bush's
"War on terrorism." In the words of one commentator on National Public Radio (21 November 2003):
I f we had gone after al-Qaeda, would they still be able to do things like bomb the British
Consulate in Turkey, in Istanbul? So it reminds Americans and Englanders that this is still a
problem. This terrorist group is still work ing. And who's next?
The Istanbul bombings also serve to uphold the shaky legitimacy of Prime Minister Tony Blair in the face of
mounting political opposition to Britain's' participation in the US led war.
Michel Chossudo vsky, 11/21/03
© Copyright CRG .2003 For fair use only/ pour usage équitable seulement.ee
Hide the following 7 comments
Convenient use of the media?
22.11.2003 21:06
Bombs or no bombs, corporate media always under-report protests
22.11.2003 21:10
If it hadn't been for the Turkey car bombings the headlines would have been about what great guys Bu$h and Blair are, as per usual. The protest would have been reported in the margins, as indeed they were.
Auntie Beeb
country behind the terror is the USA
22.11.2003 21:12
The despicable US media giants were silent when undisputed proof surfaced that the CIA, NSA, British Intelligence, the US Secret Service and the FBI were all involved in the May 16th 2002 blast in a Philippine hotel room when their agent, Michael Meiring accidently blew his own legs off while constructing a bomb which was intended, if ignited as planned, to be a staged “Al Queda” terror attack, justifying a tightened US- Philippine military alliance.
Meiring who operated under the cover of being a treasure hunter was in fact a CIA operative under the direct protection of the White House (As evidenced by his swift NSA/FBI medivac to San Diego after blowing his own legs off). The US spook spent 10 years on assignment associating with Islamic groups, Abu Sayef, MNLF, Moro Islamic Liberation Front, and other Philippine based Islamic groups, supplying them with US counterfeit notes (Courtesy of US intelligence) and bomb making materials so that they may create terrorist mayhem within the Philippines, giving the US a pretext to move in and, “help,” just like in Indonesia - just like nearly everywhere else these Mafia-like thugs can plant their terror and, “protection,” racket.
Meiring called his front company, Paruosia International Trading Incorporated Paruosia, in Christian fundamentalist lingo, means “Second coming of Christ.” - These intelligence asset/crusader types can’t resist revealing clues to their delusions of righteous grandeur.
What was the coverage from the CIA controlled propaganda machines, CNN, Fox and the rest regarding this explosive story of a CIA agent caught planting a terrorist bomb? - Zippo. Not a single mention of Meiring - Nothing.
Thanks to the CIA’s complete infiltration of the US major media and the collusion of media editors and journalists in this crusade and thanks to the cowardly and obedient journalists who are supposed to write about the real nature of this crusade, and thanks and to a population who’s minds have been so fabulously obliterated by years of programming by the mind slum that is television, the crusaders have had a free ride. After all these years infiltrating and or buying the media they have created their own consent machine, giving themselves a perpetual green light - like there’s no one left to stop them...
...or so they think.
One by one you will see staged “Islamic Terrorist,” attacks throughout South East Asia. Up next Thailand. Since it would be patently ridiculous to claim that there are viable Islamic terrorist groups in Thailand the CIA/CNN lie being released into the LieScape is that Al Queda terrorists are using Thailand as a “Safe Haven.”
And of course Indonesia and the Philippines will continue to receive the heaviest brunt of these crusaders’ attacks
The crusaders know that their window of opportunity is closing fast - awareness is building throughout the world that it is in fact the dark hand of this group of US covert operators who is actually behind every single terror attack in the world - so the Bushes know that they must terrorize now before the world’s populations rise up, destroy their own complicit lying governments and take up arms against US interests around the world. But since the Bush filth and his type lack the skills to formulate a complete and total plan for global conquest, the extent of their current plan is to create as much terror and destabilization as they can and only afterwards, somehow hope to reap benifit and profit from all the apocalyptic confusion they create.
What these war criminals and war profiteers in Washington don’t know is that global conquest is more complicated than Brzezinski’s books outline. These retards read Brzezinski’s books, get all fuelled up on viagra (their only connection to virility) and harbour serious delusions that they are god’s crusaders. Another thing that Bush and his cabal of war profiteers and war criminals don’t know is that they will be brought to justice for their September 11th attacks on the American people.
But for now, their organs of lies and disinformation, CNN, Fox and the rest of the lying monopoly media are busy churning out the preparatory lies necessary to precondition the US population so that when these US crusaders ignite their bombs, the lie that it was Al Queda that did it will already be inscribed in our heads.
But CIA/CNN simply cannot churn out enough convincing lies fast enough to reverse the wave of hatred both within the United States and throughout the world of these New World Order crusaders fronted by the most despised man on earth, George W. Bush. And so the crusaders are counting on the panic and mayhem generated by these CIA terror strikes to give themselves more time to formulate a plan - to figure out what to do next to cash in on their terror attacks.
After the totally unreported Philippines hotel bomb screw-up, the crusaders struck again in the Bali Nightclub blast. Voxnyc was the only news service on the planet with the courage, independence and skills to identify that this bombing was yet another terror strike courtesy of US based crusaders - not Al Qaida. We mounted a massive notification campaign and sent out nearly 200,000 emails to every academic institution, politician, newspaper editor and journalist in Indonesia clarifying just exactly what really happened. And the result was a phenomenal success. Within days of our massive notification campaign, public opinion polls throughout Indonesia revealed that most Indonesians believed that the Bali blast was in fact perpetrated by the CIA and not Al Qaida.
And if there is any doubt that this little independent news service voxnyc.com was singlehandedly responsible for exposing the truth about the Bali blast, just ask any major newspaper editor or politician in Indonesia if they remember the voxnyc article - they do. It was the only beacon of truth coming out of the west about that incident. The only flicker of light, amongst the swarming sea of lies perpetrated by the CIA based US media and their moles amongst the Indonesian media and political spectrum.
So from now on, our focus of reporting the terror after it has occurred will shift to focusing on reporting the terror BEFORE IT HAPPENS. This shift towards “Preemptive reporting” is absolutely critical if we are to stop these crusaders’ terror attacks.
George Bush willingly fronts for the most evil force to ever hold the human species in it’s grip. He and the invisible murderous hand which lurks in his shadow represent the very face of evil and simply must be stopped at all costs.
The big question is, will the crusaders have enough money to infiltrate or pay off enough local Asian politicians and media owners in order to keep the truth from their own populations like they have been so fantastically successful at doing here in the United States. Will the massive CIA based media monoply which has been so successful at destroying the minds of nearly 80% of all Americans be able to reach into the minds of the Asians and destroy theirs too? Because unless the infiltration and payoffs are complete, and the destruction of the mind is total, the fact is, people who are getting attacked are going to want answers. And without infiltration, payoffs or mind wasting, there is no other way to keep the real information about who is behind the attacks, from the victims. My guess is that the pan Asian infiltration and payoff channels are not complete - so those who seek the truth still have a window of opportunity to warn the peoples of South East Asia that the US Crusaders are racing towards them with a blood thirst not seen since the Third Reich.
The message to those in the State Department, military, intelligence organizations and in the many religious and industrial think tanks and organizations who are certainly behind these attacks must be clear - We intend to warn the populations of the earth in advance of your attacks. We intend to launch preemptive news campaigns to diffuse each and every one of your attempts at striking terror in the hearts of these peaceful people. Your efforts will fail because the people of these nations will be informed PRIOR to your attacks that you are going to be the ones behind these attacks. We know that this is for sure your modus operandi and we will assure you that your plans will not succeed.
The oil crusaders’ plan is to create pan global terror and through that terror somehow use the US military threat as their trump card to go in and “help.” That’s it. That is all they are capable of planning. The rest is improvisation. Their hopes at best is to figure out a way to profit from that turmoil. But because they are such colossal f**k-ups and literally f**k up EVERY SINGLE PLAN THEY HAVE EVER CONCOCTED, this one will surely fail as well - killing many thousands of innocent people in the process and causing decades of anti American sentiment throughout the world.
So we must warn the countries of Southeast Asia that the crusaders are racing to take their crusade of terror and plunder to their peaceful nations.
The analysis of the memes originating from CNN, the Council of Foreign Relations and the other think tanks of death lead to only one conclusion - That the crusaders, emboldened by the apparent lack of any feasible resistance to their terror campaigns, plan to spread their crusade to the entire planet.
It is critical at this moment in history that some alternative news services shift to a preemptive mode. It’s not hard to do, the actions of the crusaders are completely predictable. Preemption is vital to assuring the safety of the people of the world and the continuance of life on this planet. If one wishes to see a clear blueprint for the New World Order’s plan for global conquest one only has to turn to CNN. For CNN is the organ whereby the crusaders transmit their necessary preparatory conditioning memes so that a sheep-like populous will be ready to march, lock step, like obedient worker ants and foot soldiers for these dying industrialist geezers, eager and ready to kill millions to keep their grip on power and further their eugenicist agenda.
Get off your knees before it's too late.
Who benefits from the bombings?
23.11.2003 02:24
Looks like the neocons are running with the same script as September 11: a double bombing of a major financial institution (World Trade Center) and a government building (Pentagon, also being renovated at the time of the attacks). This time lapdog Tony hits the "trifecta." Right on cue for Bush's stage-managed state visit to the UK.
So who delivered this gift to Bush and Blair? The Mossad has been crawling around Turkey after the synagogue bombings. Who benefits most? Who's agenda does this serve? Who was really behind 9-11? Both the Mossad and the CIA have been linked to al Qaeda cells. Bush and Blair pressured and threatened Turkey numerous times to provide military support, and allow coalition butchers access to Turkish soil for the war on Iraq. Who has a motive to punish (mostly Muslim) Turkey? Is "al Qaeda" so unlucky or incompetent to hit mostly empty government buildings twice in 2 double bombings? Does this successfully take the media's spotlight away from the human rights crisis in Palestine?
And what of the Mossad's ability to frame Arabs for terror attacks?
Flashback: MOSSAD Can Target U.S. Forces, Framing Arabs
skeptical of lying warmongers
The convenient bombing in Istanbul
23.11.2003 20:07
American but No admirer of George Bush
Turkish Top Military Brass meets Wolfowitz day before Istanbul Attacks
23.11.2003 22:22
The explosions were described by the Turkish press "as similar to those that occurred on Sept. 11, 2001". The Istanbul Stock Exchange (IMKB) plummeted by 7.37 percent immediately after the bombings. The stock exchange was closed down at 11 am. On World markets, the gold index moved toward the $400 an ounce level.
The lira "slipped in thin trading". Banks ceased quotes on the Turkish interbank foreign exchange market. The Lira was defended by the Turkish Central Bank, which "provided the necessary liquidity.” The Central Bank statement was said to have "stopped a crisis in the foreign exchange market". Yet at the same time, the Central Bank decision was also conducive to a decline in Central Bank forex reserves and a massive capital outflow.
These movements on the equity and currency markets raise the important question: Was there insider trading and speculative trade based on foreknowledge of the attacks?
It is also worth mentioning that the attacks took place one day following the completion of the annual Turkish-US Joint Defense Group meeting (17-19 November 2003).
The Turkish delegation to this meeting was led by Deputy Chief of General Staff Gen Ilker Basbug, who met his US counterpart US Deputy Chief of General Staff Gen Peter Pace.
The mandate of the Joint Defense Group was to discuss issues pertaining inter alia to the war on terrorism.
Basbug met up in at least two separate meetings with Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz at the Pentagon and at a luncheon hosted by Deputy Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Peter Pace. (Asia Africa Intelligence News Wire, 20 November 2003). Dr. Wolfowitz is one of the main architects of the "war on terrorism"
General Basbug later met up with Assistant Secretary of State Richard Armitage and Deputy National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley.
On the day of the attacks, Paul Wolfowitz held a press conference together with General Busbag.
Lieutenant General Basbug left Washington on the 20th, after participating in the press conference.
Britain's Foreign Minister Jack Straw who traveled to Istanbul on Thursday the 20th "said that it was not possible to say anything definite at the moment but the attacks bore the hallmarks of the al Qaida network."
The British Consul General Roger Short, was killed by the bomb as he was entering the consulate building. Press reports confirmed that he had cancelled an appointment at the last minute and "if he had gone to his appointment, he would have been alive" (
A wave of arrests was initiated in the immediate wake of the attacks and prior to the conduct of a full-fledged investigation. The Turkish authorities stated that they would not publish the number of persons arrested and the "people should trust in the Turkish police"
They attacks have created conditions for a more active role of Turkey in the Iraqi war theater. They create conditions for Turkey's participation in the war on terrorism, while weakening its links to the EU.
More generally the attacks serve to strengthen the Anglo-American military axis and the legitimacy of Bush's "War on terrorism." In the words of one commentator on National Public Radio (21 November 2003):
If we had gone after al-Qaeda, would they still be able to do things like bomb the British Consulate in Turkey, in Istanbul? So it reminds Americans and Englanders that this is still a problem. This terrorist group is still working. And who's next?
The Istanbul bombings also serve to uphold the shaky legitimacy of Prime Minister Tony Blair in the face of mounting political opposition to Britain's' participation in the US led war.
Michel Chossudovsky, 11/21/03
Bush Knew (again)
26.11.2003 18:02
This is your conspiracy theory!
Me thinks you place just a little too much importance on London's
Seriously...(sigh)Where is the racionality in this view?
You are by far more frightening than any republican or even Bush for that
P.S. Are you on medication?