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Whose the worst terrorist Bush and Blair or Al Qaeda?

Richard LittleJohn | 22.11.2003 15:12 | Terror War

The horrific bomb attack in Turkey on Thursday shocked the world. Innocent people were deliberatly masscared and maimed. There was no warning no chance of escape. So who is the worst terrorist Bush and Blair who only use armed force as a last resort or Al Qaeda who use it indescriminatly and as the first resort?

Did it cross their minds that the real men of violence, the real threat to world peace, are not the democratically-elected President of the USA, or the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, but the deranged, hate-filled, fundamentalist killers who lurk in the shadows? Probably not. The protesters are so blinkered, so self-righteous, so bigoted against America, that they can’t begin to understand that while the homicide bombers were bringing death and destruction to the streets of Istanbul, they were doing their bit for terrorism on the streets of London.

Every single one of the useful idiots marching yesterday is a foot soldier for rogue states, tyranny, al-Qa’ida and the forces of Islamofascism. However ludicrous London mayor Ken Livingstone may sound here when he denounces George W Bush as the greatest threat to world peace ever, his words when beamed around the world by satellite give heart to those who wish to destroy us. Will Livingstone still be blaming Bush and Blair when the kind of explosion we saw in Istanbul yesterday rips through the Christmas shopping crowds in Oxford Street or blows Birmingham’s rebuilt Bull Ring to kingdom come? The attacks in Turkey were aimed at us just as surely as if the terrorists had driven a truck bomb straight into Nelson’s Column yesterday afternoon.

The fact that Trafalgar Square was playing host to an anti-Bush demo wouldn’t have made the slightest bit of difference. Their banners would have been no more of a deterrent than Lambeth Council declaring itself a nuclear-free zone at the height of the Cold War would have saved South London from a Soviet missile. Terrorists don’t stop to read T-shirts. They don’t care who they kill. Imperialist capitalist running dogs or the Tooting Popular Front. Wolfowitz or Wolfie Smith, it’s all the same to them. If they thought they could have got away with it, the terrorists would have taken out central London, demonstration or no demonstration. Bring on the 72 virgins. Instead they chose a softer target, Istanbul, just as they did last weekend. The fact that Turkey is an Islamic society didn’t stop them. Although their primary targets were Jewish and British, they don’t mind killing brother Muslims.

In a commanding speech in London, President Bush couldn’t have spelt out the reality more clearly if the screens of his teleprompter had been blown from purest Waterford. The only shame was that he couldn’t make the speech to the joint Houses of Parliament because some MPs couldn’t be guaranteed to behave themselves. The schoolkids on yesterday’s march can be forgiven their naivety. The grown-ups and the politicians who encouraged them can’t.

If they really wanted to protest against murder and international terror they chose the wrong route. They should have headed to the Finsbury Park mosque, where Captain Hook still peddles his hatred, or the North London base of al-Muhajiroun, the extremist organisation which celebrates 9/11 and boasts of recruiting impressionable young Muslim men for holy war against the West.

Richard LittleJohn


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I Vote for Bush-Blair

22.11.2003 17:27

The real Axis of Evil is Bush-Blair. The axis powers are the US and the UK. The US under Bush, particularly, threatens the entire world, including the UK.

This article gets off to a false start, calling Bush the elected president of the United States. In this as in his military service, personal life, and business life, he is a fraud.

Bush won through election fraud in Florida (where his brother Jeb is governor), through a quirk in the US presidential election system, through a US Supreme Court packed with Republicans, and thanks to the unfortunate caving-in of his opponent, Senator Al Gore, Jr.

BUSH=FRAUD. As far as being elected, he is like President Rutherford B. Hayes.



real reason for terrorism

22.11.2003 17:44

you keep talking about terrorism being a threat to us blah blah etc but u totally overlook the reason why we get targeted. its cos of american and british involvment in middle east. it's supporting israel, bomibing of iraq and afghanistan, sanctions against iraq and stationing troops in saudi arabia that makes people want to bomb us. and going and blowing somewhere up every time we get bombed just makes people hate us more.



22.11.2003 18:12

I don't know who Richard LittleJohn is but this article is just an insult to the thousands of protestors who would like a peaceful world to live in.

I was on the march on Thursday 20 Nov and I do not support terrorism. The fact is that the Britain and the US completely abandoned any attempt to use diplomacy in whatever their disagreement with Iraq was. Whether or not there were terrorists in the Iraqi government this does not change the reason for protesting - the war being started despite the complete lack of any evidence of WMD in the approach to the war. That was the official reason given for the war and the issue voted on when MPs decided to go to war.

As a protestor I am not going to give in to terrorism just because of the threat of an attack. That's what they want to achieve.

If Richard LittleJohn blames al-Muhajiroun or anyone that he wants to call 'Captain Hook' then he should protest to the government/police about it instead of trying to shift the blame onto anti-war protestors.

Brian B

A: all 3 are terrorists

22.11.2003 19:44

Bush, Blair, Bin Laden - all terrorists, why should we have to choose between them?


Richard Littlejohn

23.11.2003 18:55

Richard Littlejohn writes for The Sun newspaper - says it all really.

mail e-mail:

Barely worth dignifying with a reply

23.11.2003 20:21

Richard LittleJohn is the "useful idiot" for terrorists, simplistic propagandists such as him whipping up war fever for military actions that even according to British/Australian intelligence, let alone common sense, heightened the threat of terrorism, while enhancing the recruiting power of al Qaeda.

What place do tyrannies such as the US-backed dictatorship in Uzbekistan, have in his black and white visions of good and evil? None of course, they're simply too incovenient to mention, their brutality clearly a price worth paying for a military base or two. Equally the thousands slaughtered by Bush and Blair apparently aren't even worthy of acknowledgement.

Bush, Blair and Bin Laden are all terrorists, and in a perfect world they'd share a cell.


Yes of course Bush and Blair then Al-Qaida.

09.12.2003 15:57

Yes both the Bush & Blair are the biggest threat to world peace & innocent lives of men women childeren younger elders and olds etc.... First of all think about it, is it a right way to stop terrorists or terrorism, the killing or bombing in Iraq, Afghanistan & give the licence of Palestinian killing to Israel & protect them in UN Security council & other forums. The killings of women & 1 to 15 year children is war killing but the retaliation by palestinians is terrorism. Is it war in the one hand the palestinian using stones & the Israel is using F-15 & Latest missiles. So I'm sure when these things will stop not any one will join Al-Qaida but if it'll be continue then many more Al-Qaidas may become the part of this terrorist campaign so dont make the conditions for strengthening the terrorist groups. So that is the only way to make the world peaceful. we cant make world peaceful with the BOMBARDMENT but with love & solving the problems not growing.

Naeem from Pakistan