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A Prophetic Quote

Gypsy Rose | 20.11.2003 22:52 | Bush 2003 | Analysis | Anti-militarism

A quote from 1998 by Tony Benn...

"Prediction is difficult and dangerous, but I fear that the situation could end in tragedy for the American and British Governments. Suez and Vietnam are not far from the mids of anyone with a sense of history. I recall what happened to Sir Anthony Eden. I heard him announce the ceasefire and saw him go on holiday to Goldeneye in Jamaica. He came back to be replaced. I am not saying that that will happen in this case, but does anyone think that the House is in a position to piggy-back on American power in the Middle East? What happens if Iraq breaks up? If the Kurds are free, they will demand Kurdistan and destabilise Turkey. Anything could happen. We are sitting here as if we still had an empire - only, fortunately, we have a bigger brother with more weapons than us."
Tony Benn, 1998, speech in House of Commons as UK Govt prepared to join US in bombing Iraq
From The Penguin Book of Twentieth Century Protest

Gypsy Rose


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Shows how much he knows

21.11.2003 00:17

"If the Kurds are free, they will demand Kurdistan and destabilise Turkey"

The Kurds ARE free.
The Kurds are NOT demanding Kurdistan.
The Kurds are NOT destabilising Turkey.

Suez and Vietnam are not far from peoples minds, but neither are France, Germany and Japan. I recall what happened to Winston Churchill - he won a war, was declared a hero yet still lost the post-war election. I do not think we should piggy-back on American power, I agree with Benn that far. But it is precisely because we did piggy-back on their power from 1945 to 1990 that people are allowed to protest in Trafalgar Square!

Prediction is dangerous, but to insult the Kurdish people like he did is disgraceful!
