time to deal with the BAND OF THUGS
delphi | 20.11.2003 19:57 | Anti-militarism
so Bush and Blair are now advocating more violence to deal with the mess they have already created? wonder who THAT benefits, hmmm?
Bush claims that he will not run from a "band of thugs and assassins" and yet, who are the people responsible for his stupendous failure.
thousands are now calling Bush and Blair what they really are in the streets of London: "Butchers, Liars, War Criminals!"
As for the "band of thugs" who are crashing the entire US economy and standing among nations into the ground, let us
Dubya - does one really have to provide examples of the crimes perpetrated by this speech-challenged snake? Oh well, how about TREASON? The "Bring 'em on" challenge is nothing less than enticing the enemy to attack our brave men and women at the front. The chickenhawk should hang for that alone. Meanwhile, he claims to be unable to root out the party who "leaked" the identity of a CIA covert operative. This is not just a "leak" it happens to violate the Intelligence Identity Protection Act of 1982, a federal felony. Further, when the result of such a leak includes damage to our national security assets, particularly if we are talking about humanint assets who have been subseqently murdered, we are talking about TREASON and MURDER! Finally, let us pause to reflect that every piece of legislation supported by Dubya is a boon to big business and
the super rich, while digging a grave for everyone else... hmm, well, I call THAT TREASON, too, though the case is arguable.
Psycho - aside from glaring conflicts of interest, and the bullshit whitewash that supposedly "cleared" Richard Perle from conflict of interest in the Trireme case, he is completely up to his neck in other conflicts of interest. He steers conservative news agencies while grabbing millions from their bank accounts. He seeks funding from Ashoggi (BCCI fame) for a "homeland security consulting" venture, while plunging the US into war! That is clearly TREASON! He crows about the demise of the United Nations and the supremacy of American Hegemony...hasn't anyone found a straightjacket and padded cell for him yet??? But the kicker is this: he spent years promoting the JINSA and PNAC policies by declaring that the US needed a "new Pearl Harbor" in order to pursue the "insertion" of a permanent US military presence in the Middle East. Folks, this man planned for and COUNTED ON September 11 2001 taking place, in ORDER TO FULFILL HIS PLAN! He is the biggest traitor of the lot! His stinking scabrous neck will feel the noose, after a fair trial has proven the obvious!!!!!
Big Dick - how on earth can we start with Dick Cheney, whose entire career has been dedicated to piling up the billions of dollars in the vaults of Bechtel, Halliburton, Raytheon, TRW, SAIC, and all the other military industrial interests for whom he is the bulldog ALPHA salesman? But first, let us consider: when Bush Sr. was being considered to testify about what he knew in the Iran-Contra hearings, Cheney put his career on the line to stymie the efforts to ask Bush to the witness stand. The fact is that Bush Sr, along with Powell, Poindexter, and their torpedo Ollie North, were in the Central American Death Squad business up to their eyeballs, with the explicit complicity of Ronald Reagan. Cheney has been heaped with rewards ever since. But what about his current role? face it, Dick Cheney is the architect of the current mess. his "energy task force" plans included detailed lists of contractors who would go into Iraq and carve up its energy sector, along with convenient MAPS! these were eventually released after two years of FOIA lawsuits, and you can read them at:
But Cheney is much more dangerous than he seems. Not only will he gladly sell the blood of your sons and daughters for reconstruction contracts, he blithely spreads lies and clouds of fear every time he opens his mouth. He can't stop talking about connections between 9-11 and Saddam, when these were admitted as groundless by Dubya and Wolf, and hundreds of other sources... Basically, we are looking at a walking contraption composed of TREASON, LIES, and GREED. There is no other explanation for his bizarre machinations.
Rummy - Here is a man who rammed the approval of Nutrisweet through the FDA, using his hand-picked tool, while he was CEO of Searle coroporation, which owns the Nutrisweet patent. Rumsfeld has poisoned half the world's food supply with this brain destroying chemical...for a fat payoff! Thanks Rummy! But what of Iraq? Hey, let us not forget the telling photo of an enthusiastic Rummy pumping the hand of Saddam Hussein in December 1987, while Hussein looked DISTINCTLY suspicious, as if he was inspecting the hairs on the mandibles of a turantula. And what followed? more than 700 weapons export licenses approved, creating a TIDAL WAVE of weapons systems that poured into Iraq. Imagine, 700 shipments of bombs, tanks, rockets, who knows what, within 2 1/2 years! That's about every two or three days, we were shipping hundreds of WMD to Saddam. And what happened the year after we began to ship the stuff? Saddam used the weapons to GAS HIS OWN PEOPLE, SLAUGHTERING THOUSANDS OF CIVILIANS! When an outraged Senator Claiborne Pell proposed sanctions against the sickening dictator, who DEFENDED SADDAM in order to KEEP THOSE ARMS SHIPMENTS FLOWING? Rumsfeld, Cheney, and Colin Powell. All working for Reagan, were the biggest defenders of the Saddam - Iraq connection. They won. The result? Many Thousands more of innocent Iraqis are lying in their graves thanks to their heartless greed. Thanks Rummy. And now, Rumsfeld has instigated the sloppiest, worst planned, most inadequately staged, botched, shitfest of a military action in US history. Our kids are being blown to bits, and Rummy says, "well, we have to expect to take some losses." It's all just another day at the office for Rummy, raking in his kickbacks from the $400 Billion Defense Budget, and the $120 Billion already earmarked for Iraq.
Stinking Traitor!
Poodle - Tony Blair, when he comes up for air from between Dubya's legs, has been the most vigorous proponent of the Iraqi
armageddon plan. The entire debacle over the 45 minutes, and the "solid" intelligence about chemical weapons, etc, has propelled the British government to the sorriest depths since Reginald Dyer opened fire on civilians at Jallianwala Bagh in 1919. That Poodle, and his propaganda machine under the control of Spin Ali, concocted the need for war, is treasonous. The fact that Clare Short testified Blair and Bush's preconceived plan of invading Iraq, which dated to the summer of 2002, should have been enough to show what a despicable cretin the Poodle really is. But in the upside-down world we live it today, Blair will go on spouting his shite until we shut him up! Let's hope the day is SOON COMING!
Dagger - Probably the least known figure in this gang of thugs, is Douglas Feith, but he is far and above the most ruthless, backstabbing viper of the lot. Nobody even comes close to the hypocrisy and greed of this war profiteering maniac, who has almost dizzily handed out all of the contracts to the thousand arms of the "octopus," while at the same time vigorously advocating the most blood-thirsty fascism imaginable as a "strategy" for US foreign policy. Every action of this man screams TREASON! One of Feith's duties as Under Secretary of Defense for Policy has been to select the members of the Defense Policy Board. Who did he select? Perle, Woolsey, Adelman, Dan Quayle (yes, Dan Quayle!)...every bleary-eyed attack dog with a chip on his shoulder that they could scrape out of the golf carts at Pebble Beach. For the selection of this gang of fiends alone, Feith should stand trial for Treason. But the clearest proof of his betrayal is his close ties to Chalabi, the supposed "insider" who gave us all the great "intel" on Saddam's WMD, and who promised to be "our kind" of leader once the US army esconced him on a throne in Baghdad. The fact that things aren't going quite according to the Feith, Cheney, CHalabi game plan should give us some pause to wonder what the hell they are really up to!!!
Wolf - supposedly the "brains" behind operation "9-11 kill the sheep and grab the goodies." does the justification of slaughering tens of thousands of people, and sending your own family members to have their brains blown out due to the hatred engendered by his failed policies strike you as slightly TREASONOUS? Then you will probably understand why Paul Wolfowitz needs to be stood up in front of a jury of 12 honest hard working citizens to decide his fate. The recherche "guru" of the neo-con fascist scum, along with the smug and sinister Psycho, is largely responsible for the so-called "policy of American hegemony." somehow or other these high and mightly geniuses never got around to asking anyone what possible reaction there would be around the ENTIRE PLANET to threats of global hegemony by Christian Fundamentalist Pinheads. Oh, and his "excuse?" nothing. he is the most vacuous failure of human intellect since the dawn of the dark ages.
Boy - when the other thugs need his help, they say: "Boy, get yo nigger ass over here!" and he comes running! here is the man who fought tooth and nail to STOP the sanctions sponsored by Senator Pell (mentioned above) in 1988. So the thousands of innocent victims that Saddam Hussein dumped into mass graves were easy for him to ignore at the time of their massacre. And yet he went to Iraq in 2003 and stood before those very graves in Halabja in September of 2003 and said that Saddam had to be deposed so that such a fiendish act "could never happen again." TRAITOR! If Powell and this gang of sickening bastards is removed from power and thrown in jail for their crimes, ONLY THEN will we be sure it won't happen again! The unbearable nerve of this exploitation will ring through history as one of the most infamous betrayals of all time!
Finally, we must add the compliant mass media in these United States to the gang of thugs--AP Wire SErvice, ABC, NBC, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, CBS, New York Times, Washington Post, Boston Globe, Baltimore Sun, LA Times, Denver Post--the whole lot of them have done NOTHING to point out these endless crimes and betrayals. They are accomplices to TREASON and somebody is going to have to pay for their traitorous silence!!! Think of this, when Powell visited Halabja and spewed his hateful bile, EVERY LAST ONE of these news agences repeated the propaganda from the administration that Powell was "honoring" the dead buried in the mass graves there. "Honoring!" Is that what they call honoring? That is called spitting on someone's grave while revising history to suit one's own greedy motives! Shame on the American Media. You will not be redeemed until you bring down this gang of killers.
thousands are now calling Bush and Blair what they really are in the streets of London: "Butchers, Liars, War Criminals!"
As for the "band of thugs" who are crashing the entire US economy and standing among nations into the ground, let us
Dubya - does one really have to provide examples of the crimes perpetrated by this speech-challenged snake? Oh well, how about TREASON? The "Bring 'em on" challenge is nothing less than enticing the enemy to attack our brave men and women at the front. The chickenhawk should hang for that alone. Meanwhile, he claims to be unable to root out the party who "leaked" the identity of a CIA covert operative. This is not just a "leak" it happens to violate the Intelligence Identity Protection Act of 1982, a federal felony. Further, when the result of such a leak includes damage to our national security assets, particularly if we are talking about humanint assets who have been subseqently murdered, we are talking about TREASON and MURDER! Finally, let us pause to reflect that every piece of legislation supported by Dubya is a boon to big business and
the super rich, while digging a grave for everyone else... hmm, well, I call THAT TREASON, too, though the case is arguable.
Psycho - aside from glaring conflicts of interest, and the bullshit whitewash that supposedly "cleared" Richard Perle from conflict of interest in the Trireme case, he is completely up to his neck in other conflicts of interest. He steers conservative news agencies while grabbing millions from their bank accounts. He seeks funding from Ashoggi (BCCI fame) for a "homeland security consulting" venture, while plunging the US into war! That is clearly TREASON! He crows about the demise of the United Nations and the supremacy of American Hegemony...hasn't anyone found a straightjacket and padded cell for him yet??? But the kicker is this: he spent years promoting the JINSA and PNAC policies by declaring that the US needed a "new Pearl Harbor" in order to pursue the "insertion" of a permanent US military presence in the Middle East. Folks, this man planned for and COUNTED ON September 11 2001 taking place, in ORDER TO FULFILL HIS PLAN! He is the biggest traitor of the lot! His stinking scabrous neck will feel the noose, after a fair trial has proven the obvious!!!!!
Big Dick - how on earth can we start with Dick Cheney, whose entire career has been dedicated to piling up the billions of dollars in the vaults of Bechtel, Halliburton, Raytheon, TRW, SAIC, and all the other military industrial interests for whom he is the bulldog ALPHA salesman? But first, let us consider: when Bush Sr. was being considered to testify about what he knew in the Iran-Contra hearings, Cheney put his career on the line to stymie the efforts to ask Bush to the witness stand. The fact is that Bush Sr, along with Powell, Poindexter, and their torpedo Ollie North, were in the Central American Death Squad business up to their eyeballs, with the explicit complicity of Ronald Reagan. Cheney has been heaped with rewards ever since. But what about his current role? face it, Dick Cheney is the architect of the current mess. his "energy task force" plans included detailed lists of contractors who would go into Iraq and carve up its energy sector, along with convenient MAPS! these were eventually released after two years of FOIA lawsuits, and you can read them at:
But Cheney is much more dangerous than he seems. Not only will he gladly sell the blood of your sons and daughters for reconstruction contracts, he blithely spreads lies and clouds of fear every time he opens his mouth. He can't stop talking about connections between 9-11 and Saddam, when these were admitted as groundless by Dubya and Wolf, and hundreds of other sources... Basically, we are looking at a walking contraption composed of TREASON, LIES, and GREED. There is no other explanation for his bizarre machinations.
Rummy - Here is a man who rammed the approval of Nutrisweet through the FDA, using his hand-picked tool, while he was CEO of Searle coroporation, which owns the Nutrisweet patent. Rumsfeld has poisoned half the world's food supply with this brain destroying chemical...for a fat payoff! Thanks Rummy! But what of Iraq? Hey, let us not forget the telling photo of an enthusiastic Rummy pumping the hand of Saddam Hussein in December 1987, while Hussein looked DISTINCTLY suspicious, as if he was inspecting the hairs on the mandibles of a turantula. And what followed? more than 700 weapons export licenses approved, creating a TIDAL WAVE of weapons systems that poured into Iraq. Imagine, 700 shipments of bombs, tanks, rockets, who knows what, within 2 1/2 years! That's about every two or three days, we were shipping hundreds of WMD to Saddam. And what happened the year after we began to ship the stuff? Saddam used the weapons to GAS HIS OWN PEOPLE, SLAUGHTERING THOUSANDS OF CIVILIANS! When an outraged Senator Claiborne Pell proposed sanctions against the sickening dictator, who DEFENDED SADDAM in order to KEEP THOSE ARMS SHIPMENTS FLOWING? Rumsfeld, Cheney, and Colin Powell. All working for Reagan, were the biggest defenders of the Saddam - Iraq connection. They won. The result? Many Thousands more of innocent Iraqis are lying in their graves thanks to their heartless greed. Thanks Rummy. And now, Rumsfeld has instigated the sloppiest, worst planned, most inadequately staged, botched, shitfest of a military action in US history. Our kids are being blown to bits, and Rummy says, "well, we have to expect to take some losses." It's all just another day at the office for Rummy, raking in his kickbacks from the $400 Billion Defense Budget, and the $120 Billion already earmarked for Iraq.
Stinking Traitor!
Poodle - Tony Blair, when he comes up for air from between Dubya's legs, has been the most vigorous proponent of the Iraqi
armageddon plan. The entire debacle over the 45 minutes, and the "solid" intelligence about chemical weapons, etc, has propelled the British government to the sorriest depths since Reginald Dyer opened fire on civilians at Jallianwala Bagh in 1919. That Poodle, and his propaganda machine under the control of Spin Ali, concocted the need for war, is treasonous. The fact that Clare Short testified Blair and Bush's preconceived plan of invading Iraq, which dated to the summer of 2002, should have been enough to show what a despicable cretin the Poodle really is. But in the upside-down world we live it today, Blair will go on spouting his shite until we shut him up! Let's hope the day is SOON COMING!
Dagger - Probably the least known figure in this gang of thugs, is Douglas Feith, but he is far and above the most ruthless, backstabbing viper of the lot. Nobody even comes close to the hypocrisy and greed of this war profiteering maniac, who has almost dizzily handed out all of the contracts to the thousand arms of the "octopus," while at the same time vigorously advocating the most blood-thirsty fascism imaginable as a "strategy" for US foreign policy. Every action of this man screams TREASON! One of Feith's duties as Under Secretary of Defense for Policy has been to select the members of the Defense Policy Board. Who did he select? Perle, Woolsey, Adelman, Dan Quayle (yes, Dan Quayle!)...every bleary-eyed attack dog with a chip on his shoulder that they could scrape out of the golf carts at Pebble Beach. For the selection of this gang of fiends alone, Feith should stand trial for Treason. But the clearest proof of his betrayal is his close ties to Chalabi, the supposed "insider" who gave us all the great "intel" on Saddam's WMD, and who promised to be "our kind" of leader once the US army esconced him on a throne in Baghdad. The fact that things aren't going quite according to the Feith, Cheney, CHalabi game plan should give us some pause to wonder what the hell they are really up to!!!
Wolf - supposedly the "brains" behind operation "9-11 kill the sheep and grab the goodies." does the justification of slaughering tens of thousands of people, and sending your own family members to have their brains blown out due to the hatred engendered by his failed policies strike you as slightly TREASONOUS? Then you will probably understand why Paul Wolfowitz needs to be stood up in front of a jury of 12 honest hard working citizens to decide his fate. The recherche "guru" of the neo-con fascist scum, along with the smug and sinister Psycho, is largely responsible for the so-called "policy of American hegemony." somehow or other these high and mightly geniuses never got around to asking anyone what possible reaction there would be around the ENTIRE PLANET to threats of global hegemony by Christian Fundamentalist Pinheads. Oh, and his "excuse?" nothing. he is the most vacuous failure of human intellect since the dawn of the dark ages.
Boy - when the other thugs need his help, they say: "Boy, get yo nigger ass over here!" and he comes running! here is the man who fought tooth and nail to STOP the sanctions sponsored by Senator Pell (mentioned above) in 1988. So the thousands of innocent victims that Saddam Hussein dumped into mass graves were easy for him to ignore at the time of their massacre. And yet he went to Iraq in 2003 and stood before those very graves in Halabja in September of 2003 and said that Saddam had to be deposed so that such a fiendish act "could never happen again." TRAITOR! If Powell and this gang of sickening bastards is removed from power and thrown in jail for their crimes, ONLY THEN will we be sure it won't happen again! The unbearable nerve of this exploitation will ring through history as one of the most infamous betrayals of all time!
Finally, we must add the compliant mass media in these United States to the gang of thugs--AP Wire SErvice, ABC, NBC, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, CBS, New York Times, Washington Post, Boston Globe, Baltimore Sun, LA Times, Denver Post--the whole lot of them have done NOTHING to point out these endless crimes and betrayals. They are accomplices to TREASON and somebody is going to have to pay for their traitorous silence!!! Think of this, when Powell visited Halabja and spewed his hateful bile, EVERY LAST ONE of these news agences repeated the propaganda from the administration that Powell was "honoring" the dead buried in the mass graves there. "Honoring!" Is that what they call honoring? That is called spitting on someone's grave while revising history to suit one's own greedy motives! Shame on the American Media. You will not be redeemed until you bring down this gang of killers.
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20.11.2003 20:45
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