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London street webcams offline (surprise surprise, again...)

techno | 20.11.2003 12:48 | Bush 2003 | Anti-militarism | Technology | London

webcams down again today - same as yesterdays crucial times

the register reported on it - correctly mentioning how this has happened during several other large demonstrations...
Plug pulled on London Webcams, as Bush sweeps into town
By Tim Richardson
Posted: 18/11/2003 at 16:57 GMT

President George W Bush is about to pay the UK a visit and thousands of anti-war demonstrators are planning to take to the streets in protest.

With London bracing itself for the mother of all security operations, it should come as little surprise that some strategically-place Webcams have gone on the blink.

Transport for London's "Capital Cam" - the one pointing towards Parliament Square and Whitehall, among others - is currently unobtainable.

Why? A short message reads: "The image from this Capital Cam is not available for operational reasons."

So, now you know



Display the following 2 comments

  1. Some are still up, not sure for how long... — farrah freedom
  2. As usual ... — Penry