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Palace brigade stopped by sit down

Dudly | 20.11.2003 10:43 | Bush 2003 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles | London | Sheffield

A daring sit down action stops the Buckingham Palace Brigade yesterday.

A parade of redcoats exits the Palace.
A parade of redcoats exits the Palace.

A couple lay down in front of the horses and stop the parade.
A couple lay down in front of the horses and stop the parade.

The show must go on. The police quickly move them out of the way.
The show must go on. The police quickly move them out of the way.

Around 15.50 yesterday the Palace sent out a team of redcoat guards. This understandably drew boos and jeers from the crowd. Their job is to protect the queen and she had just invited the worlds biggest war criminal into our country.

An old couple seized the moment and broke past the police cordorn and laid down in front of the cantering horses. It was a pretty scary looking moment. The first horse looked like it was going to go straight over them but stopped just at the last second.

The police quickly moved in to move the couple out of way.



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21.11.2003 02:15

nice one! good on yer :)

anyone have an update or what happened next? were they arrested/charged?
