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Chasing Bush Offline - Govt Interference?

Alice McCombs | 20.11.2003 00:17 | London | World

The Chasing Bush site at is offline.
Did the security forces get the site taken down?

Cheers to all the Brits demonstrating against Bush!

The Chasing Bush site at is offline.
Did the security forces get the site taken down?

Cheers to all the Brits demonstrating against Bush!

Alice McCombs
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Yes - Government Action!

20.11.2003 15:05

Government action certainly was involved here at least - as soon as IT realised it was an Anti-Bush site it was blocked by out firewall. At the moment is the only 'alternative' news source that isn't blocked.

We are a Local Government Authority and anything Anti-Bush has been forbidden, including websites!

Anon (and not by choice!)

chading bush not dead

21.11.2003 13:26

We're not dead - only if you visit us via certain hacker websites do we appear to be dead.

Visit to verify that we're still alive and kicking!

We had to do that to fool the hackers into thinking we were gone.

Rich Wild
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