The Axis of Evil on the Internet
United Capitalist Front (UCF) | 19.11.2003 05:12
The United Capitalist Front (UCF) is a coalition of right wingers, conservatives and pro-capitalists working together to divide and conquer the effectiveness of the internet through disinformation and psychological warfare as counterinsurgency.
The United Capitalist Front (UCF) is a coalition of right wingers, conservatives and pro-capitalists working together to divide and conquer the effectiveness of the internet through disinformation and psychological warfare as counterinsurgency.
Articles on the U.S. President (CIA, 9/11, Homeland Security etc.).
Articles/images supporting terrorism or terrorist organizations.
Articles on Colombia (Narcoterrorism, human rights etc.).
Articles on Venezuela (Chavez, Cuba relations etc.).
Articles on Iraq (Saddam loyalists, Al-Qaida, weapons of mass destruction).
Articles on Palestine (Arafat, anti-semitism).
Articles posted by or about socialist/communist organisations (Stalin, USSR, totalitarianism etc.).
Articles on anti-war and "bring them home" (unpatriotic, traitors etc.).
Strategy: Infiltration. Penetration. Demonization or defamation; isolation of articles or debate when topic too controversial. Corporate media agenda as dominant agenda for debate control. Reactionary depoliticization. Pacification.
*Note: UCF is an electronic network. Do not reveal your political standpoints. Do not mention UCF, it defeats the purpose of effective disinformation. Pretend to be "one of them." The goal is to break the political animal.
Articles on the U.S. President (CIA, 9/11, Homeland Security etc.).
Articles/images supporting terrorism or terrorist organizations.
Articles on Colombia (Narcoterrorism, human rights etc.).
Articles on Venezuela (Chavez, Cuba relations etc.).
Articles on Iraq (Saddam loyalists, Al-Qaida, weapons of mass destruction).
Articles on Palestine (Arafat, anti-semitism).
Articles posted by or about socialist/communist organisations (Stalin, USSR, totalitarianism etc.).
Articles on anti-war and "bring them home" (unpatriotic, traitors etc.).
Strategy: Infiltration. Penetration. Demonization or defamation; isolation of articles or debate when topic too controversial. Corporate media agenda as dominant agenda for debate control. Reactionary depoliticization. Pacification.
*Note: UCF is an electronic network. Do not reveal your political standpoints. Do not mention UCF, it defeats the purpose of effective disinformation. Pretend to be "one of them." The goal is to break the political animal.
United Capitalist Front (UCF)
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the root of capitalist ill will
19.11.2003 09:36
Their counterinsurgency spinlines are generally shallow, monosyllable, mechanic and repititively robotic in nature.
They counteract from the viewpoint of protecting their status in life, always keeping in the back of their mind their cushy job, house, car or top of the range possessions.
Remove all these things and dispel their illusion of consumerism and wealth as a passport to untold personal freedom and happiness and you break the spell of totalitarian capitalism.
Social climbing, acquiring wealth, status possessions and the isolated mansions of the rich, does not bring happiness or security. The rich are forever insecure and unhappy.
Worrying about being able to financially maintain their luxury cars, houses, holidays, rich lifestyle and status symbols they don't need but have become acustomed to.
What these people lack in their lives is happiness and real personal freedom, that wealth/money cannot buy. They lack the companionship of the working class community, the day to day struggle of life in a working class community. The comradeship of the working class community and real community concern and neighbourhood spirit.
Instead the rich have snooty competitive uber capitalist neighbours, whose only concern is protecting possessions, social climbing and outdoing each other materially.
No wonder the rich/middle class hate the poor and working class so much, no wonder they try to destroy the fabric and cohesion of working class communities through hard drugs and crime. No wonder they try to grind our working class children into the dirt. The rich and capitalists are so jealous, because we have something that all their money can't buy.
hilda ogden