Amnesty Guantánamo Bay Demonstration - thursday
JUSTICE? | 19.11.2003 03:50 | Bush 2003 | Repression | London
More than 660 people are held in military custody at the US naval base at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, without charge or trial and without access to the courts, lawyers or relatives. Most of the detainees – who are believed to be nationals of more than 40 countries, including 9 British citizens – have been held in US custody for almost two years with no indication of when or if they will be released.
Guantánamo Bay
Amnesty International remains extremely disturbed at the physical conditions under which prisoners in Guantánamo Bay are detained which, together with the indefinite nature of the confinement, may cause severe mental and physical distress.
We are also concerned that the proposed military tribunals contravene most aspects of international human rights standards including the right to legal counsel and the right to appeal.
Amnesty International’s recommendations include:
* that all detainees are either charged with recognisable criminal offences or released
* the outlawing of any treatment which violates international law and standards such as stress and duress tactics
* the provision of legal counsel to all detainees and suspension of interrogations unless legal counsel is provided
* granting Amnesty International access to detainees and officials at Guantánamo Bay as well as other US-run military detention sites
* that the Military Order of 13 November 2001 be revoked and all plans for trials by military commissions are dropped. If they do go ahead, independent international observers should be enabled to attend.
Demonstrate! Thursday 20 November
Please note changes to time & venue
Thursday 20 November 2003
11.00am-12 noon
Opposite Downing Street, London
George Bush is visiting the UK this week. Join us to demonstrate against the continuing human rights abuses being carried out at Guantánamo Bay.
Please e-mail us at:

Further Information
Further information about our concerns regarding Guantánamo Bayare available online at: