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Nowhere to run George, nowhere to hide.

anarkist | 19.11.2003 01:29

No stocks for George we want the gallows for this pathetic lying, cheating, murdering nazi scumbag.

everywhere he goes. Feel like a drink yet George? How does it feel to be watched, to be spied on. Your every move monitored and publicised. To be hated for your families nazi ties and desperate wealth building on the corpses of innocent people in New York, Afghanistan and Iraq. Feel the anger George, there's no running away to holiday hideaways, no crashing light aircraft for you. We've got you here and you're going to pay now. No stocks for George we want the gallows for this pathetic lying, cheating, murdering nazi scumbag.

Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide George. Gotcha!



Display the following 2 comments

  1. yes — American
  2. Hell doesn't want him — Grim Reaper