just as the furore over Iraq2 was dying down, El presidente rolls into town
hilda ogden | 18.11.2003 22:39
Just as the fuss over Iraq2 is dying down, El Presidente rolls into town, to ignite the embers of protest once again. And once again thousands of ordinary members of the public will be mobilised and politicised to protest against El Presidente's state visit.
It appears Bliar has been taking ill counsel once again, listening to (an out of touch with reality and public opinion) spin doctors setting Bliar up for another PR disaster. The final nail in the coffin of New labours, re-election hopes.
It appears Bliar has been taking ill counsel once again, listening to (an out of touch with reality and public opinion) spin doctors setting Bliar up for another PR disaster. The final nail in the coffin of New labours, re-election hopes.
Maybe the Royal family are hoping that El Presidente will take the heat off their recent royal misdemeanours. Compared to warmongerer El Presidente's activities, the Royals look like saints.
On a more serious note, the families of british soldiers killed in Iraq, would like some answers, as to why their sons/daughters sacrificed their lives to protect the world from Soddem's non existant imaginary WMD. To many of them Bush's grandiose state visit is just adding insult to injury and many would like the chance to confront El Presidente with the heartbreak of losing their beloved sons/daughters.
On a more serious note, the families of british soldiers killed in Iraq, would like some answers, as to why their sons/daughters sacrificed their lives to protect the world from Soddem's non existant imaginary WMD. To many of them Bush's grandiose state visit is just adding insult to injury and many would like the chance to confront El Presidente with the heartbreak of losing their beloved sons/daughters.
hilda ogden
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Whats he up to tonight?
19.11.2003 00:16