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HOW TO: Conduct Direct Action Against Bush Visit -- Seattle Style

T. H. Whyte | 18.11.2003 05:12 | Anti-militarism | London

Seattle, Washington, USA showed the world how to conduct real direct-action protests during the WTO protests. This site shows some of the possibilities of the STOP BUSH protests: Direct action is what the media cover and what people understand.

These protests against the inhumanity of the World Trade Organization resulted in the formation of Indymedia and have carried through to the Cancun trade meetings this year. Similar results ARE possible in the staid old UK!

The following link shows the scope of the direct action in Seattle -- lots of photos and vivid descriptions.

There is an even greater need NOW to STOP BUSH in the UK than to stop the WTO talks in Seattle.

Look at the site for inspiration.

Consider the inhuman war in Iraq and the damage to the UK and USA as well, and let's make this the biggest, hottest, most memorable demonstration against facism yet!

Citizens of Seattle showed the way. There's no telling what 100,000 or 200,000 motivated protesters in London can do. Massive disruption is defintely possible. Direct action is what the media cover and what people understand.

The best goal is to totally ruin the state visit of the war criminal Bush, aborting planned festivities if possible.

T. H. Whyte
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FTAA solidarity

18.11.2003 07:46

i just want to give a shout out to all who will be out in the streets against the president of my godforsaken country.
i'll be following events in london with great interest.

also, just wanted to point out that HUGE protests against the FTAA - free trade of the americas agreement - will be going down in miami also on thursday afternoon. the city of miami has been militarized and local media is hyping up the scene with rumors of anarchist violence (sounds a lot like london). it will be very exciting that two major protests will be going down on the same day.

i have no doubt, given the planning and buzz surrounding miami, that thursday will surprise many folks within the US, perhaps in the same way that seattle did. i hope to see expressions of solidarity from the streets of london, 'cause we all know that our comrades in miami- vowing to shut down the summit while facing something resembling martial law - they will need solidarity.

for up to date info from miami:

good luck, stay together and strong, and for fuck's sake: our world is at stake. is that not worth taking some risks on the streets?- risks deemed unacceptable by corporate media, the state, and self-appointed protest martials!



18.11.2003 09:31

If the demonstrations turn into violent riots then Bush will be able to marginalise the protests. Keep it peaceful and you'll do more to hurt his chances of reelction


no need to be patronizing

19.11.2003 13:04

Excuse me, but I lived in Seattle at the time. I see no reason to believe that Seattlites showed the way to anything. Most of the folks at the protest came from elsewhere. Furthermore, civil disobedience has a long tradition that predates Seattle. Furthermore, folks in Great Britain have a long tradition of civil disobedience. So there is no need to be patronizing. Especially when you consider what the good folks of London are demostrating against a major export of the US. Better we just relax our self-rightiousness and see if we can learn anything from demonstrations in other parts of the world.
