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Turkey Synagogue Bombing -- 'It's The Mossad Stupid'

Margalit Cohen | 18.11.2003 03:20

JUST like with the bombings of Iraqis and other Arabs . . . which are blamed on 'al Qaeda' . . . this one smells of the Mossad. As hard for it is for decent people of any religion to believe, Zionists have sacrificed Jews for their own devices many times . . . it is a fact.

The bombings in Iraq against Iraqis and especially the most recent blasts in Saudi Arabia killing Arabs are both Mossad templates. For the most part, Arabs don't kill Arabs in bomb blasts if it can be avoided.

In Iraq, killing civilians in 'suicide bombings' can serve to turn Iraqis against the 'resistance' and toward the US occupation forces . . . at least that would be the logic for a Mossad operation.

In Saudi Arabia, the bombings were immediately labeled as the work of 'Al Qaeda' . . . a transparent joke.

And now Turkey. Remember always to ask yourself immediately: geopolitically who benefits the most?

The majority of phone calls and reports of organizations taking 'credit' for bombings are probably bogus and not made by the people actually responsible. It's all too easy to manipulate.

I just watched the BBC report from the synagogue bombing in Turkey . . . blood everywhere.

I listened very carefully to this initial report . . . so as to soak up every detail before the spins began.

Some 'official' said that they had received one telephone from a Moslem organization taking credit for the bombs.
The reporter was very careful to emphasise that this organization has been quiet for a long time, apparenty inactive, and that everybody in Turkey was more than surprised to hear that this organization would allegedly be involved in such a major bombing.
The reporter, to my surprise, was also very careful to emphasize that this Moslem organization has never attacked Jews, and had always concentrated only on objecting to secular Turkish institutions.
CNN few minutes ago, 'reluctantly' announced that the Turkish government does not believe that this crime was done by ANY local Turkish organization, but it is the work of an international organization. CNN, 'as usual', immediately contributed their own opinion: that the bombing was done by 'al Qaeda'. It has become very clear that CNN and Fox have turned into mouthpieces for the Zionist Israeli government.
I would hope that the public will finally realize that there is scant evidence that al Qaeda exists today. Most of al Qaeda was vaporized in their caves in the Afghan mountains. This allows the CIA, Zionist, and Pentagon to conduct their manipulative wave of terrorism undisturbed, and no one will ever blame them. Please pay attention that ALL references and innuendos in the 'news' are just assumptions coming from 'experts' or 'authorities' provided to CNN and Fox by 'confidential unidentified military sources'.
My conclusion:

The 'telephone call' claiming credit for the bombing means nothing, zero.
Traditionally, many people make calls after bombings to put the blame on someone else.
This was likely an Israeli job with the trained media putting the blame on an 'Islamic' organization which the current Turkish government hates.
Talking about crocodile tears, Israel just announced, as I am writing this, that they will be glad to help Turkey to 'fight terrorism and find the terrorists. ' Sure

Margalit Cohen


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This article is drivel

18.11.2003 09:55

This article complains that CNN add their own opinion, but this article is entirely just opinion, with no factual basis whatsoever. You're just making it up! Indymedia claims that it has the real news that the corporate media won't publish, but this kind of article is worse than worthless.

bored with conspiracy theories

It does sound rather far-fetched, but.....

18.11.2003 11:20

Yes, this does sound like a crazy conspiracy theory. For one thing, if it ever came out, sharon would be ruined. what a risk.

On the other hand it is true that Sharon desperately needs more Jews in Israel because in a one-state solution they are outnumbered, and even in Israel proper they could become so. Which forces him to run a racist state, damaging his democratic credentials. At risk of the worlds condemnation even forgetting Palestine.

I suppose Mossad involvement in such axcts is not completely impossible. Certainly it seems Sharon has a long term plan, and will stop at nothing, including extreme deception (eg the roadmap farce).

Of relevance is an article today about sharons current visit to Italy:


Sharon urges Jews to go to Israel

The Israeli prime minister has told Jews in Italy the best way to escape "a great wave of anti-Semitism" is to move and settle in the state of Israel.
"We are witness to a great wave of anti-Semitism, and apart from the usual anti-Semitism against Jews, there is today the added hate of the collective Jew, which is Israel. The best solution to anti-Semitism is immigration to Israel. It is the only place on Earth where Jews can live as Jews," he said.

- Homepage:

it was mossad

18.11.2003 16:06

Why does it shock people that zionists would have carried out such an event...does noone know about the bombings in Iraq in the 1940's at synagogues by zionist agents? Please see below...

Ben Gurion's Scandals

by N. Giladi (An Iraqi Jew insider who worked for the zionist terror organisations)
In his book, Ben Gurion's Scandals: How the Haganah & the Mossad Eliminated Jews, Giladi discusses the crimes committed by Zionists in their frenzy to import raw Jewish labor. Newly-vacated farmlands had to be plowed to provide food for the immigrants and the military ranks had to be filled with conscripts to defend the stolen lands. Mr. Giladi couldn't get his book published in Israel, and even in the U.S. he discovered he could do so only if he used his own money.

The Giladis, now U.S. citizens, live in New York City. By choice, they no longer hold Israeli citizenship. "I am Iraqi," he told us, "born in Iraq, my culture still Iraqi Arabic, my religion Jewish, my citizenship American."

More on his background and on his book in the above link

"I write this article for the same reason I wrote my book: to tell the American people, and especially American Jews, that Jews from Islamic lands did not emigrate willingly to Israel; that, to force them to leave, Jews killed Jews; and that, to buy time to confiscate ever more Arab lands, Jews on numerous occasions rejected genuine peace initiatives from their Arab neighbors. I write about what the first prime minister of Israel called "cruel Zionism." I write about it because I was part of it."

moshe goldstein

I wondered when ....

19.11.2003 00:49

some one was gone to suggest this.

dammn clever chappies, these Mossad fellows. Bali, Mombasa, Turkey, New York. What busy fellows they are. And no one suspect them apart fropm you really sharp people on Indymedia. makes you realise how clever these jewish fellows are, doesn't it?


stop these maniacs

19.11.2003 11:32

No, the mossad arent "clever chappies"..they are just out of control mass murderers who do not abide by any international laws...their motto, "by way of deception, thou shalt wage war" sums up aptly who they are and what they do.


interesting theory

21.11.2003 00:46

because, you know, the mottos of other secret security services (yes, your country also has one) are "with openly and honestly telling our enemies what we plan to do, we achieve pussy-kittens and puppy-dogs and rainbows and ice-cream with sprinkles!"

get a grip.

fuzzy bunny