Bush Visit Protests in London - listing
info | 16.11.2003 22:01 | Bush 2003
Sunday 16 November
10.00 - Bare Witness invite you to spell out NO GM AMBUSH on Sunday morning
14.00 - Expats against Bush meet up at All Bar One in Leicester Square to prepare to have a US expat contingent represented on the 20th National Demo
17.00 - Born on the 4th of July film showing. Ron Kovic, the Vietnam veteran who the film was based on, will be coming over to London to join us in our protests against Bush. Ron will introduce the film and answer questions. 5pm, Prince Charles Cinema, Leicester Place.
Monday 17th November
20.00-22.00 Photos from Bagdad. At the Vida Walsh Centre, 2b Saltoun Road, Brixton. Slides from well known snapper Guy Smallman.
19.00 - Non Violent Direct Action training Workshop, 7pm London Action Resource Centre, 62 Fieldgate St, London E1 1ES. 020 7377 9088. (includes Legal Observer training for the Resist Bush Tea Party on 19th)
Tuesday 18th November
18.00: Burning Planet march against Bush staring at Lincoln's Inn Fields (Holborn Tube)
March the day Bush arrives in the UK. Route will pass ExxonMobil/"Esso" offices (Aldwych) and end at the US embassy.
For more info see Campaign Against Climate Change. (www.campaigncc.org)
18.30: Bring Down Bush, Brixton. Windrush Square, Speakers, Poets and a large Statue of the President Select.
19.30: Stop the War Coalition Rally at Friends Meeting House, Euston Road.
Speakers to include Ron Kovic (Vietnam veteran), Harold Pinter (playwright), George Galloway MP (ex-Labour Party), Tony Benn, John Rees (Stop the War Coalition), Kate Hudson (CND), MAB speaker and Caroline Lucas MEP (Green Party). For more info see Stop the War Coalition (www.stopwar.org.uk)
Wednesday 19th November
(Resist Bush - Day of Nonviolent Civil Disobedience - Throughout the day: demonstrations around London dependent upon the itinerary of George Bush)
10.00 Critical Mass of opposition to George Bush. Meet with bikes etc Under Waterloo Bridge 10.00 a.m. for a 10.30 set off will hook with other events throughout the day
http://cmlondon.enrager.net/information/index.htm (seems to be temporarily out)
11.00: Alternative State Procession (Stop the War) Cavalcade with cyclists, taxi drivers, scooter clubs etc. following open carriage. Procession starting Jubilee Gardens (the park at the London Eye).
11.00: School students rally. Parliament Square.
12.00: Sambistas Street Party at Central London location. (Details TBA)
12.00: Street party, Malet St just outside the University of London Union. Bring costumes, agit-prop, bikes and fun, for a good old fashioned street party (c/o Young Greens)
13.00: O-I-L Womens peace picnic. Top end of Trafalgar Sq.
15.00: Resist Bush Tea Party at Buckingham Palace.
Mass protest, and civil disobedience. Bring banners, placards, drums whistles, pots and pans and tea.... this event is NON-VIOLENT and open to all people and actions provided that they 'don't harm or degrade any human being'. Meet Victoria Station 3pm.
16.30: Picket outside ESSO building, on the Aldwych, near to the LSE (London School of Economics).
"Let the employees of ESSO and assembled media exactly why the ties between George Bush and big oil are so strong...and why ESSO is one of the powers behind the throne of an idiotic, dangerous President." Bush is Esso's puppet, its time to cut their strings!. (c/o Young Greens)
17.00 Film Showing of "Walker" Alex Cox introduces Walker, his film about Nicaragua.
Prince Charles Cinema, 7 Leicester Place, London WC2, nearest tube Leicester Square. Tickets are £7 each from the box office(1:30pm to 9pm): 0207 494 3654
20.00 Film Showing of "The Deal" and Ken Loach's "9/11"
Stephen Frears will attend the showing, his recent TV film about events surrounding Tony Blair’s rise to power. Ken Loach will then introduce his segment of 9/11 dealing with ‘the other September 11th’ - the coup against the democratically elected government of Chile in 1973.
Prince Charles Cinema, (see previous entry for details)
20.30 Tell me lies... An Evening of Poetry and Music
With: Adrian Mitchell, Mike Rosen, Saadi Yousef, Mark Steel and Tino Gonzales & band. Camden Centre, Bidborough Street (Opposite Kings X Station). Tickets cost £7 (concessions £5). To reserve a ticket call 0207 053 2153/4/5/6 or e=mail to:
Thursday 20th November
All day, All creeds, All UK - MAB day of Fasting for details see: www.mabonline.net/media/press_releases/articles/fastagainstbush31.10.03.htm
13.00: outside the Odeon, Marble Arch. From there a silent 'Dharma-Yatra-style' walk to Buckingham Palace where we will sit and meditate. 07810 822786 FOR MORE INFO.
14.00: NATIONAL DEMO AGAINST BUSH. starts from outside ULU (University of London) on Malet Street, London to finish at Trafalgar Square where a statue of George Bush will be pulled down. Organised by Stop the War Coalition, CND and Muslim Association of Britain.
Call for Women's actions against Bush's visit:
- Forming a women's block on the November 20th demonstration.
- Regrouping after the main march on the 20th to protest outside the Queen’s gates at Buckingham palace. Women are invited to tie messages of protest to the metal gates that surround Buckingham palace. (including "bush trimmings" for the Queen, see below)
This is not a fixed plan of action. We invite women to join us in planning even more actions for Bush’s visit. Please join our e-mail list to discuss ideas by sending an e-mail to:
Expats (US) Against Bush
We will be meeting at the south end of Malet St, just north of the British Museum, at 1PM on Thursday November 20th, and marching down to Trafalgar Square starting at 2PM. Look for the banners saying "Proud of my Country, Shamed of my President".
(see this at expatsagainstbush.typepad.com/home/materials/shame.pdf). We will be at the head of the entire procession of between 70 to 100,000 people, so the more of you show up, the better it looks for all of us! www.expatsagainstbush.org
TBA - School Kids Walkout. Already kids from four Schools in Bromley have pledged to walkout of School and, er storm Buckingham Palace! They want other kids to join them.
18.00 - Critical Mass to welcome George to town, under Waterloo Bridge, bring noise makers, lights, sounds, love and energy.
http://cmlondon.enrager.net/information/index.htm (seems to be temporarily out)
Friday 21st November
11.00: Guantanamo Bay protest at US Embassy, Grosvenor Square
12.00 - LAAW National Day of Action on the 21st November to launch investigation of war crimes by Tony Blair PM. LAAW is calling for an investigation of the British Prime Minister T. Blair for War crimes, and its activists will be presenting a petition to Scotland Yard.
Legal Action Against War www.laaw.org
TBA- Trial of Bush with key lawyers & a People's Assembly (Details Soon)
TBA- 'Goodbye Bush' concert. More Details Soon.
Sunday 23rd November
If you get nicked during the protests, the Legal Defence and Monitoring Group (www2.phreak.co.uk/ldmg/index.php) will be holding an advice session on 2pm at London Action Resource Centre, 62 Fieldgate St, London E1 1ES. 020 7377 9088.
10.00 - Bare Witness invite you to spell out NO GM AMBUSH on Sunday morning

14.00 - Expats against Bush meet up at All Bar One in Leicester Square to prepare to have a US expat contingent represented on the 20th National Demo

17.00 - Born on the 4th of July film showing. Ron Kovic, the Vietnam veteran who the film was based on, will be coming over to London to join us in our protests against Bush. Ron will introduce the film and answer questions. 5pm, Prince Charles Cinema, Leicester Place.
Monday 17th November
20.00-22.00 Photos from Bagdad. At the Vida Walsh Centre, 2b Saltoun Road, Brixton. Slides from well known snapper Guy Smallman.
19.00 - Non Violent Direct Action training Workshop, 7pm London Action Resource Centre, 62 Fieldgate St, London E1 1ES. 020 7377 9088. (includes Legal Observer training for the Resist Bush Tea Party on 19th)
Tuesday 18th November
18.00: Burning Planet march against Bush staring at Lincoln's Inn Fields (Holborn Tube)
March the day Bush arrives in the UK. Route will pass ExxonMobil/"Esso" offices (Aldwych) and end at the US embassy.
For more info see Campaign Against Climate Change. (www.campaigncc.org)
18.30: Bring Down Bush, Brixton. Windrush Square, Speakers, Poets and a large Statue of the President Select.
19.30: Stop the War Coalition Rally at Friends Meeting House, Euston Road.
Speakers to include Ron Kovic (Vietnam veteran), Harold Pinter (playwright), George Galloway MP (ex-Labour Party), Tony Benn, John Rees (Stop the War Coalition), Kate Hudson (CND), MAB speaker and Caroline Lucas MEP (Green Party). For more info see Stop the War Coalition (www.stopwar.org.uk)
Wednesday 19th November
(Resist Bush - Day of Nonviolent Civil Disobedience - Throughout the day: demonstrations around London dependent upon the itinerary of George Bush)
10.00 Critical Mass of opposition to George Bush. Meet with bikes etc Under Waterloo Bridge 10.00 a.m. for a 10.30 set off will hook with other events throughout the day

11.00: Alternative State Procession (Stop the War) Cavalcade with cyclists, taxi drivers, scooter clubs etc. following open carriage. Procession starting Jubilee Gardens (the park at the London Eye).

11.00: School students rally. Parliament Square.
12.00: Sambistas Street Party at Central London location. (Details TBA)
12.00: Street party, Malet St just outside the University of London Union. Bring costumes, agit-prop, bikes and fun, for a good old fashioned street party (c/o Young Greens)
13.00: O-I-L Womens peace picnic. Top end of Trafalgar Sq.
15.00: Resist Bush Tea Party at Buckingham Palace.
Mass protest, and civil disobedience. Bring banners, placards, drums whistles, pots and pans and tea.... this event is NON-VIOLENT and open to all people and actions provided that they 'don't harm or degrade any human being'. Meet Victoria Station 3pm.

16.30: Picket outside ESSO building, on the Aldwych, near to the LSE (London School of Economics).
"Let the employees of ESSO and assembled media exactly why the ties between George Bush and big oil are so strong...and why ESSO is one of the powers behind the throne of an idiotic, dangerous President." Bush is Esso's puppet, its time to cut their strings!. (c/o Young Greens)
17.00 Film Showing of "Walker" Alex Cox introduces Walker, his film about Nicaragua.
Prince Charles Cinema, 7 Leicester Place, London WC2, nearest tube Leicester Square. Tickets are £7 each from the box office(1:30pm to 9pm): 0207 494 3654
20.00 Film Showing of "The Deal" and Ken Loach's "9/11"
Stephen Frears will attend the showing, his recent TV film about events surrounding Tony Blair’s rise to power. Ken Loach will then introduce his segment of 9/11 dealing with ‘the other September 11th’ - the coup against the democratically elected government of Chile in 1973.
Prince Charles Cinema, (see previous entry for details)
20.30 Tell me lies... An Evening of Poetry and Music
With: Adrian Mitchell, Mike Rosen, Saadi Yousef, Mark Steel and Tino Gonzales & band. Camden Centre, Bidborough Street (Opposite Kings X Station). Tickets cost £7 (concessions £5). To reserve a ticket call 0207 053 2153/4/5/6 or e=mail to:

Thursday 20th November
All day, All creeds, All UK - MAB day of Fasting for details see: www.mabonline.net/media/press_releases/articles/fastagainstbush31.10.03.htm
13.00: outside the Odeon, Marble Arch. From there a silent 'Dharma-Yatra-style' walk to Buckingham Palace where we will sit and meditate. 07810 822786 FOR MORE INFO.
14.00: NATIONAL DEMO AGAINST BUSH. starts from outside ULU (University of London) on Malet Street, London to finish at Trafalgar Square where a statue of George Bush will be pulled down. Organised by Stop the War Coalition, CND and Muslim Association of Britain.

Call for Women's actions against Bush's visit:
- Forming a women's block on the November 20th demonstration.
- Regrouping after the main march on the 20th to protest outside the Queen’s gates at Buckingham palace. Women are invited to tie messages of protest to the metal gates that surround Buckingham palace. (including "bush trimmings" for the Queen, see below)
This is not a fixed plan of action. We invite women to join us in planning even more actions for Bush’s visit. Please join our e-mail list to discuss ideas by sending an e-mail to:

Expats (US) Against Bush
We will be meeting at the south end of Malet St, just north of the British Museum, at 1PM on Thursday November 20th, and marching down to Trafalgar Square starting at 2PM. Look for the banners saying "Proud of my Country, Shamed of my President".
(see this at expatsagainstbush.typepad.com/home/materials/shame.pdf). We will be at the head of the entire procession of between 70 to 100,000 people, so the more of you show up, the better it looks for all of us! www.expatsagainstbush.org
TBA - School Kids Walkout. Already kids from four Schools in Bromley have pledged to walkout of School and, er storm Buckingham Palace! They want other kids to join them.
18.00 - Critical Mass to welcome George to town, under Waterloo Bridge, bring noise makers, lights, sounds, love and energy.

Friday 21st November
11.00: Guantanamo Bay protest at US Embassy, Grosvenor Square
12.00 - LAAW National Day of Action on the 21st November to launch investigation of war crimes by Tony Blair PM. LAAW is calling for an investigation of the British Prime Minister T. Blair for War crimes, and its activists will be presenting a petition to Scotland Yard.
Legal Action Against War www.laaw.org
TBA- Trial of Bush with key lawyers & a People's Assembly (Details Soon)
TBA- 'Goodbye Bush' concert. More Details Soon.
Sunday 23rd November
If you get nicked during the protests, the Legal Defence and Monitoring Group (www2.phreak.co.uk/ldmg/index.php) will be holding an advice session on 2pm at London Action Resource Centre, 62 Fieldgate St, London E1 1ES. 020 7377 9088.