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Licence to Kill

Sitz im Leben | 12.11.2003 18:14

My my, we're not in Camden any more Toto...

Things are hotting up in an-ti--ci--pppppp-p--ation of The President-Liberator's visit.
Plans are afoot. And the Bush entourage are making sure they are ready for anything...

Hold onto your hats folks, things are getting pretty scary… The Whitehouse is aparently so concerned about President Bushs safety that they have ordered, yes ordered the Met to “shoot to kill” anybody they believe to be a threat to the Presidents life. Pretzel makers excepted. This is in addition to Bushs request that central London be “closed” during his visit. They are already so scared of “Grassy Knoll II, The Revenge” that Mr Bush must forego the jollities of a ride in Her Maj’s open carriage. So if you live or work in the vicinity of the Palace, or other sensitive location (the US ambassadors residence in Regents park) leave your “comedy” bin laden beard at home that week, and wear a suit, they’ll never suspect you!

Sitz im Leben


Display the following 2 comments

  1. I was just wondering..... — Afinkawan
  2. It would be funny, but word of warning — Jim Bob