Thessaloniki LegalTeam2003 PressRelease: 10/11
@ | 10.11.2003 22:50 | Thessaloniki EU
Of 10-11-2003
The five detainees strikers of hunger Carlos Martin Martinez, Souleiman Dakdouk “Ka'stro”, Fernando Perez Gorraiz, Simon Chapman, and Spyros Tsj'tsas which continue nosiley'ontaj in G.P.N.C. "G. Papanjkola'oy", have descended from yesterday, 9-11-2003, and in strike of thirst protesting for their conditions of reservation, kacw's and illegally to them are completely arbitrarily not allowed the calls neither the issuing of forms and newspapers, while yesterday was not allowed the visit of their lawyers, with the invocation of schedule of Prisons, with obvious aim their absolute cutting off from their familiar persons and the lack of briefing regarding their affair.
Himself the Director of Juridicial Prisons Djavatw'n has left djarrey'sej the rumor that is imminent the transfer of detainees in other juridicial prisons, perhaps also the segregation and their dissemination, with obvious aim the bending of their moral. The Team of Legal Help-legal Team 2003 marks that according to the article of 77 Correctional Code the transfer of detainees in other shops of reservation is postponed provided that exists danger of life or serious and permanent damage of health of detainees, according to opinion of doctor of shop where they are kept. Consequently any likely transfer of detainees of strikers of hunger and thirst will become with the responsibility of doctors that them watches in Hospital "G. Papanjkola'oy", where they are kept this moment.
Level of lawyers of Team of Legal Help-legal Team 2003 are to deposit tomorrow Tuesday, 11-11-2003, new applications of lifting of provisional reservation, invoking and the danger of life or serious and permanent damage of five detainees, which continues the strike of hunger (the Souleiman Dakdouk "Castle" from 21/9, Carlos Martin Martinez, Fernando Perez Gorraiz and Simon Chapman from 5/10, and Spyros Tsj'tas from 8/10) with their demand direct apofyla'kjsi'.
Second, 10-11-2003, hour 17:30
OMADA -legal TEAM 2003
Of 10-11-2003
The five detainees strikers of hunger Carlos Martin Martinez, Souleiman Dakdouk “Ka'stro”, Fernando Perez Gorraiz, Simon Chapman, and Spyros Tsj'tsas which continue nosiley'ontaj in G.P.N.C. "G. Papanjkola'oy", have descended from yesterday, 9-11-2003, and in strike of thirst protesting for their conditions of reservation, kacw's and illegally to them are completely arbitrarily not allowed the calls neither the issuing of forms and newspapers, while yesterday was not allowed the visit of their lawyers, with the invocation of schedule of Prisons, with obvious aim their absolute cutting off from their familiar persons and the lack of briefing regarding their affair.
Himself the Director of Juridicial Prisons Djavatw'n has left djarrey'sej the rumor that is imminent the transfer of detainees in other juridicial prisons, perhaps also the segregation and their dissemination, with obvious aim the bending of their moral. The Team of Legal Help-legal Team 2003 marks that according to the article of 77 Correctional Code the transfer of detainees in other shops of reservation is postponed provided that exists danger of life or serious and permanent damage of health of detainees, according to opinion of doctor of shop where they are kept. Consequently any likely transfer of detainees of strikers of hunger and thirst will become with the responsibility of doctors that them watches in Hospital "G. Papanjkola'oy", where they are kept this moment.
Level of lawyers of Team of Legal Help-legal Team 2003 are to deposit tomorrow Tuesday, 11-11-2003, new applications of lifting of provisional reservation, invoking and the danger of life or serious and permanent damage of five detainees, which continues the strike of hunger (the Souleiman Dakdouk "Castle" from 21/9, Carlos Martin Martinez, Fernando Perez Gorraiz and Simon Chapman from 5/10, and Spyros Tsj'tas from 8/10) with their demand direct apofyla'kjsi'.
Second, 10-11-2003, hour 17:30
OMADA -legal TEAM 2003
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Translation corrections
12.11.2003 03:17
-"Tsj'tsas" should be read as "Tsitsas"
-"nosiley'ontaj" means "are being hospitalized"
-"G. Papanjkola'oy" is read as "G.Papanikolaou"
-"djarrey'sej" means leak
-"apofyla'kjsi" means "prisoner dischargement"
Keep up the good work!!!Cheers from Thessaloniki!!
Miltos Vasiliadis
Translation corrections
12.11.2003 03:53
-"nosiley'ontaj" means "are hospitalized/kept in hospital"
-"G. Papanjkola'oy" should be read "Papanikolaou"
-"Djavatw'n" should be read as "Diavaton"
-"djarrey'sej" means leak
-"Tsj'tsas" should be read as "Tsitsas"
-"apofyla'kjsi'" means prisoner dischargement
Cheers from Thessaloniki and keep up the good work!!!!
Miltos Vasiliadis