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James T. | 09.11.2003 23:15 | Bush 2003

Party at Zumbar, Weds 12 Nov, 10 til late -
proceeds to transport for Stop Bu$h demo -
Alex jumped for joy at the thought!

Alex jumped for joy at the thought of the Stop Bu$h gig!
Alex jumped for joy at the thought of the Stop Bu$h gig!

Fundraising gig Weds 12 Nov, featuring


+ DJs drum & bass, jungle, & a soupcon of techno

Zumbar, Oxford Rd, 10 til late.

Waged £5 / £3.50 Unwaged (proceeds to Bu$h Demo transport)

You too will jump for joy!

James T.
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12.11.2003 20:26

Here's what's up on the calendar from Resist Bush website

Tuesday 18th November

1800: Burning Planet march against Bush staring at Lincoln's Inn Fields (Holborn Tube)

March to go via the ExxonMobil ("Esso") offices, Aldwych, through central London to end at the US embassy. For more info see Campaign Against Climate Change.

1900: Stop the War Coaltion Rally at Friends Meeting House, Euston Road.

Speakers to include Ron Kovic, George Galloway MP, Tony Benn. For more info see Stop the War Coalition

Wednesday 19th November

1100: Alternative State Procession starting Jubilee Gardens.

1100: School students rally. Parliament Square.

1200: Sambistas Street Party at Central London location.

1300: O-I-L Womens peace picnic. Top end of Trafalgar Sq.

1500: ResistBush Tea Party at Buckingham Palace.

16.30: Picket outside Esso building, Aldwych.


Throughout the day: demonstrations around London dependent upon the itinerary of George Bush

Thursday 20th November

1400: Stop the War Demonstration starts from Malet Street, London to finish at Trafalgar Square.

Friday 21st November

1100: Guantanamo Bay protest at US Embassy, Grosvenor Square

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