Save Charles
Gay Pride | 09.11.2003 14:23 | Culture | Gender | Social Struggles
Can Indimedia run a central column article to counter this homphobia surrounding Prince Charles.
Already many foreign news papers and web sites have screamed words like gay or faggot.
This is the case with most local news papers too. This attitude of being gay is wrong is not acceptable.
We need a voice of reason.
Already many foreign news papers and web sites have screamed words like gay or faggot.
This is the case with most local news papers too. This attitude of being gay is wrong is not acceptable.
We need a voice of reason.
Here are few deeply offending articles.,,2-10-1462_1442717,00.html
Every Sunday paper in the UK also carry stories implying that being gay is something wrong. If the prince is gay there should be nothing wrong about it.
We must ask whether we are to encourage the views of people like Mugabe who accuse us of being bad because we are liberal with our sexualities.,,2-10-1462_1442717,00.html
Every Sunday paper in the UK also carry stories implying that being gay is something wrong. If the prince is gay there should be nothing wrong about it.
We must ask whether we are to encourage the views of people like Mugabe who accuse us of being bad because we are liberal with our sexualities.
Gay Pride
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He should be in jail
09.11.2003 20:51
Should we protect a rapist just because he allegedly took in a male rape and because he is a member of the royal family and heir to the throne?
I am gay myself and I don't go round raping other men and if the allegations against him are true then he deserves everything that's coming to him.
Little minds
10.11.2003 10:44
Anti Royalty
Oh dearie me! What a problem for some of you people!!!
Ban Jesus!
10.11.2003 12:09
Just because the royals along with all our leaders are gay does not mean we should be criticised for our liberal views on sexualities.
Remember E2R !
10.11.2003 14:53
No, not the current E2R the original :Edward the second.
Old Ed2 was persecuted for being gay because of the then circumstances and his
favouring Gaveston over the jealous Isabella (though neither were particularly nice).
Just cos Charlie might be bi doesn't mean anyone should slag him for that,but if,
and it's a very big if, he was involved in what's alleged,he should be prosecuted like
anyone else.
If Chas is involved,he may end up the same as Ed2 (well sort of) both ending up with
being given a really hot rogering by the law.
The monarchy being buggered too (not before time).
Though it's more likely that it's an invented story by a bitter 'queen',to get his
revenge for whatever befell him.