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Bonnie Prince Charlie

Son of the Rain | 08.11.2003 23:33 | World

Bonnie Prince Charlie

'George Smith, a former royal servant who suffered from alcoholism and post-traumatic stress syndrome after fighting in the Falklands War, said on the tape he had been raped by another male royal aide. But far more explosively, he also claimed to have witnessed a compromising homosexual encounter between a senior royal aide and a member of the royal family.

This was the claim that Prince Charles was denying - although he didn't say so - on Thursday'

Son of the Rain


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Your point is...?

09.11.2003 03:02

So Prince Charles has servants to suck him off.


Frankly, who DOESN'T???

George Galloway

Bugger me! No thanks Chas..

09.11.2003 11:01

So, it was Charlie that buggered the butler. Wouldn't the world be a better place if those poor royals could be relieved of their pretences to being different. Charles! Just sign off the royal broo and come out the closet, honest, we'll respect you for it.

slan leat.

Tom of Finland

oooh you are awful!!!

10.11.2003 05:14

ooh, I say, and I thought Charlie was in line to become the next Queen... ooh er I mean next monarch..

carry on your majesty

The whole shocking story!

10.11.2003 20:37

I am a regular poster here, but just incase any spooks are reading, I'm not disclosing my identity to post this message. For anyone who hasn't read or heard the story behind these mystery allegations - well here they are, explosive stuff!

There are actually two allegations.

The first is that a senior and close aide to a senior royal [Michael Fawcett] is alleged to have male raped George Smith, another palace servant. George Smith later reported the alleged attack to Police and it is suggested that the claims have been recorded on various video tapes possibly by Diana. George Smith later withdrew his complaint when questioned by Police. He was also given a £38,000 pay off by Prince Charles, apparently unconnected with the withdrawl of his complaint.

The second allegation is that a senior and close aide to a senior royal [Fawcett] was found in bed with that royal [Prince Charles] by a servant [Smith]. Both the royal and the servant are male. This allegation is also said to have been recorded by Diana.

The first part has been public for some time. The Guardian reported on Smith's rape and cover-up allegation a year ago.

The new allegation which threatens "to bring the badly-bruised British monarchy to its knees" is that Prince Charles was also sleeping with Michael Fawcett. The Sun recently ran the story without identifying either man. Royal 'in bed with flunkey'.

Ex-valet George Smith is said to have told Princess Diana he saw a "shocking incident" between the Royal and his servant.

His brother Bryan said Diana taped their conversation - in which George also claimed he was twice raped by the male aide. But the 60-minute recording is missing.

Bryan, 41, said George saw the men in bed when he delivered breakfast one morning.

He said: "George said the Royal and his servant were tucked up under the sheets next to each other.

"George told me there was no physical activity but you don’t have to be a brain surgeon to work out what was going on."
