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Of "Gooks" and "Grunts": The Latest Victims

reality call | 07.11.2003 13:13 | No War F15 | Anti-militarism

What kind of bounty will a freedom fighter collect for “taking out” Bremer or Greenstock let’s say, or what was the rocket man hoping to bag with Wolfowitz’s scalp at the Rashid hotel? The cunning, despicable character Wolfowitz shaken but still threatening as he licked his wounds after his sojourn at resort Rashid where the Machiavellian brain behind the smart bombs insanity finally got a taste of his own poisonous medicine.

What most people are afraid of saying in public because of the after burn of 9/11 hysteria and the naïve US belief in the righteousness of their dear leader’s wrathful god and sour apple pie propaganda (whatever the perfidy of his actions), the crude reality is Iraq is already “lost” as surely as Vietnam was lost long before that ignominious helicopter retreat from the roof of the Saigon embassy. Dissenters from that shameless slaughter understood what winning and losing in the American military industrial vernacular meant at that time and it had nothing to do with the well being of the people of Vietnam anymore than it has for the people of Iraq today. History proves time and time again that when America intervenes in other nations’ affairs it does so to protect “its” inalienable interests, coveting that nation’s resources, or setting up some client dictator and seldom to protect the welfare of the little people whose country it is supposed to be.

It looks like big bad Saddam Hussein with a war chest of billions and an endless supply of materiel and angry youth had planned this war of attrition long before geniuses Bush, Powell and Rumsfeld knifed the UN in the back in their ill fated, unilateral rush to war. The assumed victors have now become the hunted and are finding out what Saddam’s going price for every American or collaborator’s head is in the nauseating snuff movie that Iraq has become. What kind of bounty will a freedom fighter collect for “taking out” Bremer or Greenstock let’s say, or what was the rocket man hoping to bag with Wolfowitz’s scalp at the Rashid hotel? The cunning, despicable character Wolfowitz shaken but still threatening as he licked his wounds after his sojourn at resort Rashid where the Machiavellian brain behind the smart bombs insanity finally got a taste of his own poisonous medicine. God knows contract murder and bounty hunting is a crude game but the Americans started it so of course that gives it the sacred imprimatur in this disgusting Judeochristianmuslim terror jihad. Did gunslinger Bush think that Saddam never played cowboys and Indians as a kid or had never heard of Jessie James?

The wily Iraqi despot lured the arrogant and unsuspecting invaders into the warren of Baghdad back streets, deep into the tangle of Iraqi ethnic, religious, social and political allegiances and now supposedly sits counting corpses in his Ali Ba Ba’s bunker as demoralised, minority, working class American youth get picked off one by one or by the helicopter load on Saddam’s home turf. He can patiently wait it out, Bro until the US public wises up to the scam and calls a halt to Bush’s turkey shoot. Bush hoping against all odds that the turkey count doesn’t set alarm bells ringing too loudly before the next “election” is already raving about how every dead American is proof of how he’s still “winnin” the war that’s supposed to be long over. Proof positive if that were still required that the little guy with the big mouth from Texas is way out of his depth in the treacherous quick sands of Iraq. Already there are more jarheads dead since Cap’n George did his flight suit stunt and declared “mission accomplished” than troops killed in Rumsfeld’s brilliant, strategic, masterful mass murder of innocent Iraqis at the onslaught of his shocking and awful virtual war on terror. Virtual at least for the Pentagon ghouls who managed their slaughter from behind computer and radar screens, safe then in the luxury and comfort of their Haliburton air conditioned textile city over the border.

But as in Vietnam when killer Kissinger was squawking, the latest gaggle of White House chicken hawks that started this anarchical blood fest is now sandwiched in the middle trying to save face instead of lives and won’t even countenance retreat before the gush of blood hits 500 or 5000 dead (whatever the present day McNamara body bag bean counters find tolerable and can explain away to the masses stateside) before the next “election”. Of course I am referring to dead invaders not the sinned against people of Iraq who get neither obituary nor mention in the daily toll. As Tommy Franks cynically claimed “we don’t do body counts”; it seems these well paid professional assassins learned something from killing nearly 2 million “gooks” in Vietnam after all! In Vietnam young “grunts” were dying at the rate of 2,000 a month before it got the attention of Bob and Betsy Flagwaver to wake up to the reality of that particular fiasco.

When will the present Israeliamerican policy pirates accept that the jig is up, or more to the point what will it take to snap decent Americans out of their Bush terror induced stupor and demand a return to some semblance of democracy in their much maligned land and finally wrest control of their nation’s foreign policy from the mafia interests that now openly dictate from the Oval Office? Will it take a spectacular jackpot strike against US occupation forces in the style of Lebanon to stop this as was the case when the US last fought an Israeli war and where over 300 US soldiers were blown to bits with one bang in October of 1983? What will bring the US masses onto their mean streets away from their unemployment, food handout and welfare lines to cry halt to this outrageous murder for corporate profit that is tearing the Middle East to pieces and sowing hate and vengeance worldwide for coming generations of innocent US citizens? Will it take a dirty bomb in Houston, Detroit and Chicago to wake citizens up to the pandemonium that their Bush putsch government is spawning globally under its smoke screen “war on terror”? Beirut sure got Reagan’s attention and he couldn’t get the hell out of there fast enough irrespective of how the Israel lobby protested at the time, however he wasn’t entirely dependent on Haliburton, Bechtel or the oil cartel for his script and Lebanon had none of that precious black goo that has always got the greed addicted Bush gang so wired and crazy.

One thing should now be obvious to all and that is the attempted removal of Saddam Hussein is having an even greater impact on regional and world stability than the rupture of the Soviet Union in general and the ensuing slaughter as Yugoslavia fractured and spun out of Serbian control. As in the case of Israel and its Iron Curtain road map to “peace”, the Iraq disaster is yet another example that the US has bitten off much more than it can chew and antique Rumsfeld, attendant scrabble meisters and Pentagon canon fodder merchants are left looking bewildered every time they materialize before the press with their latest deathly spin to the downward spiral of expectations. When will we finally hear of leaked plans for the partition of Iraq into ethnic enclaves more divided along pipelines than bloodlines? I suspect the Republicans, inveterate high rollers that they are, will soon try and cut their losses in their electoral bid to keep the Bush machine in power and attempt to settle for Kurdistan and its natural resources. With Saudi Arabia out of grace and apparently incapable of stopping its own demise Bush and Co are desperate. From Kurdistan the US can hope to harass and try to contain the inevitable Sunni and Shiite Islamic states that will sprout after its army of occupation is routed. Whether this butchering of Iraq a la Afghanistan and Palestine will begrudgingly be tolerated in the region or simply prove to be a greater source of future trouble is academic. Still if it gets Bush of the hook in the short term and can offer hope of a minimum of oil for his handlers then I suspect it will be plan B for the corporate raiders now riding the back of the US military like the vultures that they are. The Kurds could be the big winners in this scenario to Turkey’s chagrin. However, their vicarious oil wealth is already bringing to the fore their age old aspirations of establishing their beloved, greater Kurdistan. That coupled with the likes of Ansar al-Islam a decisive factor among fundamentalist Kurds guarantees no cake walk either for beleaguered US forces hunkered down in “friendly” Kurdistan. The sullen Turks will not willingly go along with a semi independent Kurdistan living off the crumbs the American oil companies would have to concede and the Israeli style buffer zones the US war machine would be obliged to set up as it bunkered itself in fortress Kurdistan to witness the inevitable triumph of Islamic fundamentalism it has spawned throughout the rest of Iraq.

Either way Pandora’s Box is open and all of George’s horses and all of George’s men can never put Iraq together again. It speaks volumes for our so called Western democracies that a pillaging, plundering behemoth like the Bush US for the sole benefit of a brutal and scrupleless clique of warmongers such as Bush has surrounded himself, can prey on a nation and people in the name of God, patriotism and family values and in the end achieve only anarchy and inspire millions more with the determination to see the US burn.

As Rumsfeld and Rice mud sling and wrestle in the Oval Office for the dim one’s attention it looks like the Pentagon is giving itself another 180 days to contain the bloodbath or surrender all hope of keeping up the sham. For the sake of the rest of us that uphold the rule of international law and respect the sovereignty of nations, Iraq must win out against this charade and repel the aggressor so that this war crime against innocent people stays unrewarded. Iraq, if it has to degrade into civil war to decide its own post Saddam destiny surely it should be allowed to do so on its terms and not those dictated by weapons’ purveyors and contemptuous criminals like Rumsfeld who are in no small part responsible for Saddam Hussein in the first place?

Even the most rabidly gung ho yanks now have to admit that the reason for this immoral and unjustifiable war and the ensuing unemployment and impoverishment at home is due to the unbridled greed of the regime now billeted in the White House. Blatant cronyism and treachery is currently the doctrine supreme of an un-elected band of thieves, propagandists and “advisors” who owe their allegiance to conglomerate corporations “great games” (8 billion dollars in juicy contracts that the funders of Bush have already been promised to “reconstruct” Iraq in Uncle Sam’s image) in tandem with war criminal Sharon’s demented vision of greater Israel as regional pit bull. The rest of the world, apart from opportunists England and Spain with their own history of colonial rapacity, refuses to tolerate US colonial ambitions so thinly disguised under the act of sequestrating a nation in order to “forcibly” install democracy. Only a moron like Bush could mouth such an obvious oxymoron and keep a straight smirk on his mug. A land that the US never gave a damn about in the past as long as Rumsfeld and his ilk could take advantage of the thug who ruled there is suddenly to be blasted to democracy with the tools of violence and mass murder by a US president who stole the elections in his own big buck two party system “democracy”.

Pre emptive state sponsored terror must not be allowed to flourish into full global anarchy just because the White House has been seized by dangerous, fanatical bigots. Either you are against this treason or part of it!

reality call