Hamas (by Latuff)
Latuff | 07.11.2003 12:36
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Well done
08.11.2003 11:00
The fact people are willing to become suicide bombers displays the desperate situation of the Palestinians in the occupied territories, as they are hemmed in by a apartheid wall and trigger happy troops and suffer endless injustice. However, Hamas is exploiting the misery of agrieved and susceptible individuals in order to pursue its agenda. Get the IDF out of Palestine, stop the constant stream of killing by the army - but also stop the random murder of civilians by the human bombs created by Hamas. Given the ratio of killings, including the terrible toll on Palestinian children, the suicide bombings may seem a way of trying to even the score. But these are not the kind of numbers that anyone should want to augment.
I know there is a shite load of pro-Israeli propaganda in the mainstream media, especially in the US, but this kind of crap does not do the pro-Palestinian cause any good.
Jim Bob
08.11.2003 16:21