Petition : If USA vote BUSH, return to France the Statue of Liberty !
adam | 07.11.2003 01:26
This international petition, provocative, wants by a startling new idea "you would not deserve more to preserve the Statue of Freedom on the American ground, if you vote Bush in 2004" to make speak about the attacks to civic freedoms in the USA
A French version exists on the Web site of the petition and the blog
A French version exists on the Web site of the petition and the blog

Sorry for bad english, we use a web translator….
The USA are in danger... they must seize again themselves. We launch a cry to the American people so that it reacts and does not vote any more for politicians liberticides. It’s our "democratic right of ingérence", which we intend to exert,.
Clearly if the Bush administration is renewed for a legislature, France must require the USA the restitution of the Statue of Liberty.
Our French ancestors had acted in good faith. All seemed to forecast of a respectful democracy of its people and other people. But today this Nation betrayed the ideal of its Founders.
This is why France will have to require that this statue, this symbol, be restored to him as soon as possible.
This statue must find a new establishment! And, for example, France could make gift in Iraq of it, by way of moral repair of the war damagees. We, French, could not prevent this war with the still unsuspected consequences, we could make this gesture as a sign of repentance....
A blog wants to be the mirror of this international petition so that the USA return the Liberty Statue to France. In order to feed the reflexion, we in the next months will publish on this blog all that we will be able to find on Internet concerning ATTACKS A FREEDOM made by the American Nation which incarnated by his degenerated political community... it does not matter us the sources, discussed or not... we will publish while returning to the source, with the reader to form his opinion about the reliability of this one.
We will publish only French-speaking texts (original or translated in french). We will be interested only in the attacks with freedom made by controlling US against their own people. This people who vote in one year !
This blog is
We hope that this international petition requiring the restitution of the Statue of Freedom if America "votes Bush" benefits the American People which must leave to the reconquest his Nation, whose ideals are canted today. Well about, we know it, of the Americans protest already vigorously against the drifts of their controlling and we will have the echo of it!
Freedom bless America
Blog :
The USA are in danger... they must seize again themselves. We launch a cry to the American people so that it reacts and does not vote any more for politicians liberticides. It’s our "democratic right of ingérence", which we intend to exert,.
Clearly if the Bush administration is renewed for a legislature, France must require the USA the restitution of the Statue of Liberty.
Our French ancestors had acted in good faith. All seemed to forecast of a respectful democracy of its people and other people. But today this Nation betrayed the ideal of its Founders.
This is why France will have to require that this statue, this symbol, be restored to him as soon as possible.
This statue must find a new establishment! And, for example, France could make gift in Iraq of it, by way of moral repair of the war damagees. We, French, could not prevent this war with the still unsuspected consequences, we could make this gesture as a sign of repentance....
A blog wants to be the mirror of this international petition so that the USA return the Liberty Statue to France. In order to feed the reflexion, we in the next months will publish on this blog all that we will be able to find on Internet concerning ATTACKS A FREEDOM made by the American Nation which incarnated by his degenerated political community... it does not matter us the sources, discussed or not... we will publish while returning to the source, with the reader to form his opinion about the reliability of this one.
We will publish only French-speaking texts (original or translated in french). We will be interested only in the attacks with freedom made by controlling US against their own people. This people who vote in one year !
This blog is

We hope that this international petition requiring the restitution of the Statue of Freedom if America "votes Bush" benefits the American People which must leave to the reconquest his Nation, whose ideals are canted today. Well about, we know it, of the Americans protest already vigorously against the drifts of their controlling and we will have the echo of it!
Freedom bless America

Blog :
