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Report of M&S Picket

Andrew Alexander | 06.11.2003 22:09 | Anti-racism | London

Report of Marks and Spencer Picket in London (06/11/03)

Report of M&S Picket (06/11/03)

Tonight’s picket of Marks and Spencer was a mixed success compared to the weeks before, signalling the importance of keeping up the pressure against Marks and Spencers because of their support of Israel, in particular because of the busy Christmas shopping period approaching when the streets will be full and M&S will be at it’s most vulnerable.

We were welcomed by the police being as nonsensical as ever - this time they formally issued us with a notice under Section 14 of the Public Order Act 1986, stating various rules which we were not to violate. We had good reason to be sceptical as to the authenticity of the issued document though. Firstly the issuing officer didn’t sign any of the forms, secondly it was on blank paper and not headed by the Metropolitan Police emblem (as is official practice) and thirdly ‘Metropolitain’ was spelt wrong.
Either it was a fake summons or the cop in charge was a complete incompetent….or both…I’ll let the reader decide.

So the picket started with a few more pressures than normal from the cops, with a steward keeping the protesters in touch with the various different threats that were given by the police. This did not stop people from getting up on the megaphone and denouncing the unjust occupation of Palestine and M&S for its support of Israel. Chants again were used with good effect to liven the atmosphere and various different speeches were given by a mix of demonstrators. Members from FRFI, MPAC, ISM and PSC and from various Muslim, Communist, Socialist and general humanitarian and Palestinian backgrounds took it in turn to use the open mike and get the message across to the people in the street.

The effect was noticeable, with a shopper signing a petition after just coming out of the store saying, ‘sorry, I didn’t know, I just didn’t know’ and another one turning back from going in, claiming he didn’t realise that M&S was a huge supporter of Zionism. The odd passing bus driver also beeped their horns in support and put their thumbs up…as did a lot of wide-eyed passengers looking on. There was of course animosity too from the public, but a lot less than there was support. The alliance of fascists and Zionists were out in protest against us again, coming out with their normal mindless racist vitriol.
The M&S boycotters - a lot of which have been coming for a long time, refused to be sucked into a mindless brawl with them and directed their anger and attention towards the store.

We also took time out to read out news from Palestine and related events of the last week, including the demolition of Palestinian wells by the IDF, the restrictions to be held on foreign journalists going into the Occupied Territories by the Israeli government and the case of the Oxford Professor (Wilkins?) who is refusing to allow an IDF soldier to work on his staff.

Call for Action!

Though the response from the public was favourable compared to the preceding weeks the numbers on the picket were down. It is imperative that those reading this come out and support the pickets. Don’t stand for mindless fascists and Zionists coming out on our streets, shouting the racist filth that they are. The pickets have been going weekly for three years (someone tell me anything which can come close to matching that?), join them, help build a movement. Support the pickets of Britains biggest sponsor of the Zionist regime. M&S on Oxford St (Marble Arch end), every Thursday 6 till 8pm.

Andrew Alexander
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"Revolutionary Communists"

06.11.2003 22:58

The RCG are a tiny and slightly mad splinter group, with virtually zero support in the UK. They didn't organise the picket as they are implying: a few of them just bloody well turned up.

The bizarre story of the RCP/RCG is summarised here, from everyone's favorite Trot gossip rag the Weekly Worker:

Here's a funny first-hand account from Nigel Irritable of his brush with the RCG:


What crap

07.11.2003 15:13

Quote: "The alliance of fascists and Zionists were out in protest against us again, coming out with their normal mindless racist vitriol."

What crap calling zionists fascists. If you knew the truth you would know that Israel has pressed hard in the UN for the tracking down and prosecution of Nazi war criminals. Israel has also stood up for persecuted minorities in Bosnia, Kosovo and East Timor calling for UN action whenever minorities are under threat. Not only that the zionist movement is vehmently democratic and open unlike right wing fascist organisations.


so did it organise itself?

09.11.2003 20:48

So, Dave, who did organise the pickets outside M and S then? Love or hate the RCG as much as you like, but I think that they are the main force behind organising the demos, so saying 'they just turned up' is a bit childish.
