Countdown to the End of the Bush Regime | 06.11.2003 07:47 introduces all new Countdown to Election 2004 webpage. The page features news and articles about the candidates and the issues at stake in the 2004 Presidential Election. What we deem the end of the Bush regime. The site also features the Black State exclusive countdown clock to the election 2004. Just like us, you can count the days, hours, and minutes remaining in one of the worse Presidential administrations in modern American history.
Countdown: The End of the Bush Regime
The fear mongering, the right wing ruling, the inability of a President to complete a sentence of intelligent value will be over in less than one year. Right now we are encouraging you to register to vote. It does matter. Your vote will count (maybe). Officially Bush won Florida by 537 votes. The truth is he lost Florida by over 20,000 votes. It wasn't even close. See, Greg Palast's great work, "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" and you will see that the theft of election 2000 actually began a few years earlier when Jeb Bush knowingly and criminally purged the voter registration files of thousands of black voters.
Perhaps the biggest problem with the Bush Presidency is that it never legitimately exists in the eyes of many Americans. No, I'm not just talking about the itimidating of black voters, criminally purging black and democratic voters from voting registrars in Florida by Jeb Bush, CEO of Bush Inc. I'm talking about the fact the Bush did not get the most votes and yet became President due to our electoral college system of electing the Presidency. According the numbers by the Federal Election Commission Al Gore received 50,999,897 votes George W. Bush received 50,456,002 (Ralph Nader received 2,882,955 which means more Americans voted for the more 'liberal' or moderate candidates than the conservative candidate proving that this country is not in line with the right wing conservartive talk show hosts on tv and radio who try to convince us this is a conservative country, to borrow from Al Franken they are indeed liars). (See for yourself at In any other democracy it is simple the person who gets the most votes win. Don't tell me about the 1876 election deal to end reconstruction and screw black people to gain the presidency or that Kennedy stole the election in 1960 or that Nixon stole the 68 election by undermining Vietnam peace talks in late 1968. That doesn't matter to me right now as the current regime in the white house. It is shocking that we have all acquiesed and submitted to the will of the Fox News' who at the encouragement of a Bush first cousin called the election for Bush and the all networks not wanting to be left behing did the same and then later retracted because Florida was too close to call. Bush plain and simply did not get the most votes. A football team does not lose the game when it outscores the opponent. I am no fan of Bush but I would have more respect for him and his presidency had I believed he actually won the election. He became President by getting less votes than his opponent in an election in which only 51% of the voting age population voted.
With the end of the Bush Presidency will also come the end of a foreign policy based on U.S. agression and preemptive strikes. Did Hitler's Germany not premptively strike Poland? It will end the U.S. being hated by the world and bring about the U.S. being loved again by the world. Bush destroyed all good will by the nations of the earth after 9/11 by invading Iraq and lying about the reasons why. Is there anyone who believes that the U.S. would not have invaded Iraq if it wasn't for the oil. Remember the comments at the beginning of the war paraphrasing here, "Iraqi people do not destroy the oil fields they are your source of wealth...blah blah blah" that was before a single shot was fired. Does anyone find that a little awkward and weird that on the eve of a war Team Bush was concerned about the enemy destroying its own natural resources. What do we care if they destroy their oil, if we are after weapons of mass destruction and terrorist right? Right. No wonder this administration is vehemently agains the International Criminal Court. Can any one say war criminal indictment, that does not look good on the resume or to donors to the Presidential library. How about Felony Murder, if lying to Congress about going to war is a felony, than that lie leading to the deaths of thousands is indeed felony murder. If not criminally responsible how about civil responsibility with the lower threshold by a perponderance of the evidence. I know, I know the courts will never hear such a thing here, the old Political question doctrine, but we digress. CONTINUE
at Dont forget to view the clock!
The fear mongering, the right wing ruling, the inability of a President to complete a sentence of intelligent value will be over in less than one year. Right now we are encouraging you to register to vote. It does matter. Your vote will count (maybe). Officially Bush won Florida by 537 votes. The truth is he lost Florida by over 20,000 votes. It wasn't even close. See, Greg Palast's great work, "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" and you will see that the theft of election 2000 actually began a few years earlier when Jeb Bush knowingly and criminally purged the voter registration files of thousands of black voters.
Perhaps the biggest problem with the Bush Presidency is that it never legitimately exists in the eyes of many Americans. No, I'm not just talking about the itimidating of black voters, criminally purging black and democratic voters from voting registrars in Florida by Jeb Bush, CEO of Bush Inc. I'm talking about the fact the Bush did not get the most votes and yet became President due to our electoral college system of electing the Presidency. According the numbers by the Federal Election Commission Al Gore received 50,999,897 votes George W. Bush received 50,456,002 (Ralph Nader received 2,882,955 which means more Americans voted for the more 'liberal' or moderate candidates than the conservative candidate proving that this country is not in line with the right wing conservartive talk show hosts on tv and radio who try to convince us this is a conservative country, to borrow from Al Franken they are indeed liars). (See for yourself at

With the end of the Bush Presidency will also come the end of a foreign policy based on U.S. agression and preemptive strikes. Did Hitler's Germany not premptively strike Poland? It will end the U.S. being hated by the world and bring about the U.S. being loved again by the world. Bush destroyed all good will by the nations of the earth after 9/11 by invading Iraq and lying about the reasons why. Is there anyone who believes that the U.S. would not have invaded Iraq if it wasn't for the oil. Remember the comments at the beginning of the war paraphrasing here, "Iraqi people do not destroy the oil fields they are your source of wealth...blah blah blah" that was before a single shot was fired. Does anyone find that a little awkward and weird that on the eve of a war Team Bush was concerned about the enemy destroying its own natural resources. What do we care if they destroy their oil, if we are after weapons of mass destruction and terrorist right? Right. No wonder this administration is vehemently agains the International Criminal Court. Can any one say war criminal indictment, that does not look good on the resume or to donors to the Presidential library. How about Felony Murder, if lying to Congress about going to war is a felony, than that lie leading to the deaths of thousands is indeed felony murder. If not criminally responsible how about civil responsibility with the lower threshold by a perponderance of the evidence. I know, I know the courts will never hear such a thing here, the old Political question doctrine, but we digress. CONTINUE