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Oxford Union Iraq Debate

sociétélibre | 06.11.2003 02:17 | Anti-militarism | Oxford

Oxford Union Iraq Debate, Thursday 6 November, 8:30pm.

For anyone who's a member of the Oxford Union: Tomorrow (Thursday) night is the Iraq debate, with the resolution, "This House believes that we are losing the Peace." Speaking in proposition are Tam Dalyell and Jeremy Corbyn. Speaking in opposition if Josh Chafetz, a student in Oxford University.

I think you can go even if you're not a member. Anyway it has to be clear that we want an end to this occupation of Iraq, so do go if you're interested and say no to the occupation!



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No offence meant...

06.11.2003 12:50

No offence meant to any individual Oxford Student,many of whom are very politically active, but the results of a Oxford Uni debate have almost no impact on um...anything.


at the risk of being boring....

11.11.2003 13:56

the Oxford Union is a different organisation from the Oxford student Union. But still worth going along to...

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