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Bush's State Visit to the UK

comfrey | 05.11.2003 16:05 | Bush 2003 | Liverpool

PRESIDENT George W Bush is to make a full state visit to Britain from the 19th to 21st of November. Wide spread protests are planned to coincide with the visit.

PRESIDENT George W Bush is to make a full state visit to Britain from the 19th to 21st of November. Wide spread protests are planned to coincide with the visit.

The "president" and his wife Laura will be staying at Buckingham Palace. He will get a full ceremonial welcome, an honour not even granted to Ronald Reagan during his friendship with Margaret Thatcher as the Cold War raged. Mr Bush will address both Houses of Parliament and pay his respects at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Westminster.

He and Mrs Bush will also be treated to a state banquet at the Palace - with the Queen and Tony Blair invited to a return bash at the American ambassador's home in Regent's Park. The President may also attend a Remembrance Sunday ceremony. All of this will be at our expense.

The invitation is designed to reinforce Britains "special relationship" with America and provide Bush with statesmanlike images to send back home and launch his re-election campaign.

A day of open mass non-violent civil disobedience as been called for by Resist Bush, an initiative of GROW (Grass Roots Opposition to War), a group co-ordinating protests by groups and individuals opposed to the state visit. This will take place on wednesday the 19th at Buckingham Palace at 3pm. Other major events are planned for the 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st by the Stop the War Coalition

Demonstrations will be taking place throughout London depending on the itenary of the visit. For more information see: and

For info about transport to London from Liverpool, watch this space......

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Liverpool Coaches

05.11.2003 20:29

Just incase you didn't know, coaches from Liverpool will leave for London for the national demo against Bush on Thurs, 20th Nov at 8am from Hardman Street.

Tickets are available now from News From Nowhere, Bold Street, Liverpool at £20/£15.

mail e-mail:

Manchester Coaches

06.11.2003 00:14

Coaches will be leaving from Chorlton St. bus station at 9 a.m. on the 20th.

£10 unwaged
£15 waged
£20 solidarity

Contact 07946 413763
07760 224580



17.11.2003 19:41

